Yesterday I attended my doctor's appointment solo as it was another one of our "drive thru" check ups . . . meaning it would be silly for Jordan to leave work when it would take longer to get the doctor's office than the entire appointment would last. Updates are that I continue to measure right on track, my weight gain has finally slowed down, blood pressure is great, and Eoin's heartbeat is incredibly easy to locate and sounds fantastic! Dr. Weaver even commented that she knew everything was going well since I was still trucking around in heels! I only have one more appointment (May 2nd and Jordan will attend) before I begin attending weekly appointments!
We also had our fourth class with Jennifer last night; I now feel very educated on all of the forms of medication that I could possibly receive during labor and pros and cons to each. I am not going to lie, labor scares me, but I'm more afraid of an epidural and a cesarian section than the pain associated with labor (those who have been through labor can have a giggle right about now and say how it is so easy for me to say this as I am ignorant to the pain of labor!). After learning exactly how epidurals are administered, I cannot understand how some women are so willing to simply accept one . . . I also understand that in some cases they are necessary and can aid in labor, but I am so deathly afraid of needles that if it necessary for me to receive one, I have already instructed Jordan that under no circumstances am I to witness that needle! The best part of the night was when Jordan got to experience some pushing; Jennifer had him get into two different positions and instructed him to "push." This exercise was to demonstrate how a simple change of position can make pushing during labor so much easier . . . and since I may not necessarily know which position I am in, he is to be the one to change it! I don't think he was bargaining on this being as much work for him as it is turning out to be, but at the same time I think he is happy to be engaged in the process.
Work has been very busy lately; I have been training an intern to take over some of my responsibilities while I am gone, however, I have also been trying to get a lot of things accomplished now that I would typically do in June. I have scheduled a manager outing for May 28th and it is so frustrating organizing it under the premise that I may or may not actually be attending. Oh well, I just need to learn to let go of somethings and realize that the world does turn without me!
This blog was designed to journal our experiences during the pregnancy of our first child. Then our second child came and somewhere along the way life got ahead of me and updates were rare. Our newest addition, our third boy recently turned one and I'm getting back to the blog world as we create family memories!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Catching up!

On Tuesday we had our third birthing class with our amazing instructor, Jennifer. This was by far my favorite class so far. Jordan was taught different massage techniques to not only help me through labor but also these last dwindling weeks of pregnancy. She provided us with a rice sock to help cool down or heat up and also a little massage tool that I believe is simply genius: two tennis balls in a clean sock! These felt amazing on my lower back. She also "simulated" as best she could some pain so we could get some sort of an idea as to how I may handle the pain of contractions during labor. The funny (or really great!) thing was, it was difficult to simulate pain, because my pain threshold seems to be rather high. We did get some pain by putting a very tight clothes pin on my ear and during that time I just wanted to walk around and didn't really want Jordan touching me, although he was great enough to offer. We will just have to wait and see if this is any indication as to how I will react during the real thing . . . only time will tell!
On Friday night, Jordan and I attended the Dierks Bentley concert with Erin, Tony, Mickey and Megan. I was a little apprehensive about going to a concert 8 months pregnant, but felt it was fine since it was held at Braden auditorium on the ISU campus and therefore, could sit if I felt like I needed to. We only sat for a few songs and for the most part thoroughly enjoyed the music, as did lil' Boy . . . he loved Luke Bryan and Dierks, but didn't give much movement for Bucky Covington, so I think he was in full agreement with the rest of the group that he was our least favorite.
I am now 33 weeks pregnant; these last three weeks have crawled by . . . I really wish it would seem like time is going to fly by until I deliver Eoin, but from what I have heard, the last 6 weeks or so seem like they are an eternity! Oh well, with Mike Ditka, another baby shower and the arrival of Eoin's cousin all coming up, hopefully I have enough to look forward to that time doesn't seem to stand still. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon, so check back soon for an update!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Showered with gifts!
On Sunday, Grandma Kohn and I traveled up north to attend a beautiful baby shower for Eoin organized by Rosemary, my mom and my sister! We barely had space in the car on the way home; everyone was so generous and Eoin is truly going to be one of the most spoiled little boys ever. The food was wonderful and it was great to see people I don't have the fortune of seeing often.
His closet is now filled with the cutest little clothes, we received a pack 'n play, high chair, car seat, bottles galore, a bottle warmer, sailboat mobile, boppy cover complete w/ his name embroidered, bath tub, a beautiful Waterford crystal Celtic cross, a floppy chair, headrest, crib aquarium, some fun dvds, a beautiful "diaper cake," blankets and other toys, and did I mention the clothes? Also, instead of signing a card, each guest was asked to sign what they would in a card inside their favorite children's book. I now have loads of books to read to my little man. Wow! We are ready for his arrival. I must say I enjoy "playing" with his stuff as much as I am sure he will. Going to work each day is like tearing a little girl away from her Christmas presents on Christmas day. I love sitting in his nursery and just thinking of how life is truly going to change when he makes his entrance into this world!
His closet is now filled with the cutest little clothes, we received a pack 'n play, high chair, car seat, bottles galore, a bottle warmer, sailboat mobile, boppy cover complete w/ his name embroidered, bath tub, a beautiful Waterford crystal Celtic cross, a floppy chair, headrest, crib aquarium, some fun dvds, a beautiful "diaper cake," blankets and other toys, and did I mention the clothes? Also, instead of signing a card, each guest was asked to sign what they would in a card inside their favorite children's book. I now have loads of books to read to my little man. Wow! We are ready for his arrival. I must say I enjoy "playing" with his stuff as much as I am sure he will. Going to work each day is like tearing a little girl away from her Christmas presents on Christmas day. I love sitting in his nursery and just thinking of how life is truly going to change when he makes his entrance into this world!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The truth about labor
Last night we had our second birthing class with Jennifer. She is so funny! Last night we went over the stages of labor and how I may react in each stage. She explained that I how react to things on a daily basis might be some indication of how I handle labor. Poor Jordan. I know this really isn't news to anyone, but I can be quite dramatic. We finished the evening by Jennifer demonstrating some massage techniques that may help me during labor. Jordan has a lot to learn from Jennifer so hopefully he does his homework this week (practicing massage techniques on yours truly). I also have homework of my own in the form of exercising and thanks to Autumn, Katie and Erin I have been walking dilligently!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy April Fools Day!
Sorry to everyone I startled with the previous FALSE announcement! I couldn't help but play around a little with the "holiday!" Unfortunately my mom said I almost put her in the hospital and there were several phone calls to work while I was in a meeting. Jordan even made me add the little disclaimer at the end after he said he did not have time to be answering phone calls at work! Oh well, it was all in good fun.
I can officially say there is only one baby Kohn in there right now! We had an ultrasound today at 2:30pm and Eoin is officially out of the woods and his tummy is measuring fine! He has flipped around is face down also, no longer breech; so he is preparing for his entrance. Our appointment with Dr. Weaver was an "in and out;" we remain boring and are still fine with that. I am excited to head up north this weekend for my first baby shower. Eoin is already very loved. Also, the crib bumper was on back order from Pottery Barn Kids, but has shipped and should be arriving tomorrow. One more item closer to a completed nursery. We also received our stroller last week and I feel like a little girl with a new toy; I love pushing it around and even Jordan was impressed with my selection. Our next appointment is set for tax day, April 15th!
I can officially say there is only one baby Kohn in there right now! We had an ultrasound today at 2:30pm and Eoin is officially out of the woods and his tummy is measuring fine! He has flipped around is face down also, no longer breech; so he is preparing for his entrance. Our appointment with Dr. Weaver was an "in and out;" we remain boring and are still fine with that. I am excited to head up north this weekend for my first baby shower. Eoin is already very loved. Also, the crib bumper was on back order from Pottery Barn Kids, but has shipped and should be arriving tomorrow. One more item closer to a completed nursery. We also received our stroller last week and I feel like a little girl with a new toy; I love pushing it around and even Jordan was impressed with my selection. Our next appointment is set for tax day, April 15th!
Mother of Multiples
Well, after attending our bi-weekly doctor's appointment this morning, Jordan and I had a little surprise awaiting for us . . . we had another ultrasound this morning to determine whether or not Eoin's stomach is catching up . . . and hiding behind Eoin was a little Kerrigan!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's right, we are having twins! The surprise was definitely a shock to begin with and Whitney our ultrasound tech. said it was unusual for one little baby to hide from her for so long, but it is definitely not unheard of . . . Well, (taking a very deep breath) we are in for more than we expected and will be checking online today about purchasing another crib and deciding what we are going to do with our perfect "little boy" nursery. We are definitely going to need something a little more gender neutral as one is a little a girl . . . I've already decided on Kerrigan Leigh or Kerrigan Grace for the name! This also means that Eoin being a little on the small side is not a bad thing as he has been sharing all the nutrients I have been providing for him . . . Also, delivery may be earlier than the typical 38-42 weeks, but everything seems to be great so far. I will be going in for a better ultrasound however, because they need to be sure that they have been measuring the same parts of one baby and not the tummy of one and the femur of another! Phew, unbelievable! Oh and by the way . . . April Fools!
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