This blog was designed to journal our experiences during the pregnancy of our first child. Then our second child came and somewhere along the way life got ahead of me and updates were rare. Our newest addition, our third boy recently turned one and I'm getting back to the blog world as we create family memories!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Happy Birthday, Grandpa!!!
Today is my Grandpa Kohn's 50th birthday! I'm pretty excited about it. . . mommy ate some cake last night, so I'll probably feel the effects of that today :) I love my Grandpa, even though I had a minor blow out on his shirt at work on Friday, what can I say? I'm a gassy lil' boy. I really enjoyed visiting him at work and can't wait until I am big enough to play in the cool parks, mom and dad keep telling me how awesome Miller Park is with the new equipment. Well, I'm pooped for now, typing this is pretty hard work for someone who isn't even quite 3 weeks old yet! Love you Grandpa!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Photo session
Last week, Eoin had his first photo session . . . they turned out beautifully . . . to check them out go to The log in is Kohn061708 and the password is 9809. He was 1 week old when these photos were captured and he already looks so much bigger and grown up . . . excuse me while I go to get a tissue.

Eoin and I are beginning to work into some form of a schedule (I'm going to use that term very loosely) and I now have all of the expectations down pat for my class this summer and my recovery from the c-section has been better than I could have hoped for . . . so, hopefully this means many more and frequent blog updates! :) So lets get into it, shall we?! Pictures above are from Eoin's first walk. . . it took mommy 9 days before I felt up for it (actually I was chomping at the bit to go on a walk, but my incision decided to bleed a little, so we held off for a couple of days). He was such a good boy on his walk and loved all the sights and sounds of nature on the Constitution Trail. We decided to walk the trail as opposed to the neighborhood because it was all shade, so Squirt didn't get any sun.
As you can tell, we have many nicknames for Eoin, but the first nickname that he has officially earned is "Squirt." He is a little boy, so you can only imagine how he earned this title . . . he has now squirted on many people, the wall next to his changing table, the wall next to the changing table and Grandma and Grandpa Kohn's, he anywhere chair cover, lots of clean diapers that had yet to be put on, and the list will be sure to lengthen.
What was left of Eoin's umbilical cord fell off yesterday . . . this is kind of a first?! It won't be followed with a second or third, however, so maybe not a first :)
Eoin's first bath was last night, since the remainder of the umbilical cord came off, we were finally able to fully bathe the little boy. We have had a rough morning and he seems to have accomplished getting spit up in his hair, so his second bath will be a mere 14 hours later. Boys will be boys.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
1 week old, already!!

Yesterday was Eoin's 1 week anniversary of entering the world! Time needs to slow down a little bit . . . although we are trying to enjoy absolutely every minute of him, it is all going by way to quickly. Yesterday was also daddy's first day back to work and he was very sad to leave his lil' man, but he will be home tomorrow already and have a 3 day weekend to enjoy him! Eoin really is such a good baby, but I have decided that even good babies are very hard work :) Thank you to everyone who has helped out during his first few days, especially Grandma Brown, Auntie Kelly, Grandma and Grandpa Kohn and Auntie Erin . . . also thank you to Auntie Tina and Auntie Krystal for checking up on us! We really really appreciate everything :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Jordan's first Father's Day
Friday, June 13, 2008
Introducing Eoin Dean
We are home!!! We welcomed Eoin Dean McGrenaghan Kohn into the world on June 10, 2008 at 2:51pm . . . weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 8oz. and measuring 18 inches long. He is absolutely the most beautiful, most well-behaved, perfect baby in the entire world (okay, I'm a little biased!).
We arrived at the hospital on Tuesday at approximately 12:05am to check in for the induction. Upon our arrival we were ushered to a labor and delivery room and I was started on Pitocin to induce contractions. After approximately 14 hours of laboring and taking the most Pitocin that was medically allowed, I had still not dialated much past 1cm!! Little boy did not want to make his appearance into the world easy, so after a little debate and two final checks of my lack of progress, Jordan and I made the decision along with our doctor, to have a cesarian section. I was disappointed at first, but really wanted to meet Eoin. So at 2:30pm I was wheeled in the operating room to receive my spinal (worst experience of my life, it hurt!) Jordan was not allowed in until after I received the anesthesia and by the time he got in, my bad reaction to it had already begun, I was vomiting through a lot of the surgery :( But at 2:51pm we heard the first cries from our perfect little boy and I couldn't help the tears from flowing! Jordan whispered to me how proud he was and how perfect Eoin was and I got to see him briefly before I was whisked to recovery and Eoin was whisked to the NICU to get weighed and measured. His APGAR scores were great, an 8 and a 9 respectively! I was in recovery for about an hour before I was moved to our room, but my mom and Jordan were with me quite a bit as well as visits from Lisa, Erin and of course my precious son!
I would have been discharged on Thursday, but Eoin decided to not eat as well as he could, but things have definitely changed and he chugs now! We are so excited for everyone who has not met him, to meet him and he loved all of the visitors he had while in the hospital; he already knows he is very loved!
We arrived at the hospital on Tuesday at approximately 12:05am to check in for the induction. Upon our arrival we were ushered to a labor and delivery room and I was started on Pitocin to induce contractions. After approximately 14 hours of laboring and taking the most Pitocin that was medically allowed, I had still not dialated much past 1cm!! Little boy did not want to make his appearance into the world easy, so after a little debate and two final checks of my lack of progress, Jordan and I made the decision along with our doctor, to have a cesarian section. I was disappointed at first, but really wanted to meet Eoin. So at 2:30pm I was wheeled in the operating room to receive my spinal (worst experience of my life, it hurt!) Jordan was not allowed in until after I received the anesthesia and by the time he got in, my bad reaction to it had already begun, I was vomiting through a lot of the surgery :( But at 2:51pm we heard the first cries from our perfect little boy and I couldn't help the tears from flowing! Jordan whispered to me how proud he was and how perfect Eoin was and I got to see him briefly before I was whisked to recovery and Eoin was whisked to the NICU to get weighed and measured. His APGAR scores were great, an 8 and a 9 respectively! I was in recovery for about an hour before I was moved to our room, but my mom and Jordan were with me quite a bit as well as visits from Lisa, Erin and of course my precious son!
I would have been discharged on Thursday, but Eoin decided to not eat as well as he could, but things have definitely changed and he chugs now! We are so excited for everyone who has not met him, to meet him and he loved all of the visitors he had while in the hospital; he already knows he is very loved!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Last Day Pregnant
Tomorrow Jordan and I are going to be parents!! It is such a strange feeling to know when I am having my little boy. I was disappointed at first to be induced, but I realize that little medical intervention may be needed; I don't get my "movie scene" of rushing to the hospital because my water broke, but I get to meet my lil' man very soon nonetheless and I am absolutely thrilled.
As I mentioned before, I am working, going to class and then taking my time getting ready to go to the hospital at midnight. I am so tired from a sleepless night, but not from pains or contractions, I was sleepless with anticipation. The next time I log on will be to post pictures of Eoin Dean Kohn!
As I mentioned before, I am working, going to class and then taking my time getting ready to go to the hospital at midnight. I am so tired from a sleepless night, but not from pains or contractions, I was sleepless with anticipation. The next time I log on will be to post pictures of Eoin Dean Kohn!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Last appointment (really this time)
This afternoon I had my last prenatal appointment at Dr. Weaver's office. Although I was not sure what to expect, it was rather short and uneventful. I had some signals of labor in the last few days and so I was excited to see if I was progressing any further, but the appointment only consisted of a non-stress test. I basically just sat and read some magazines for awhile. Lil' boy was sleeping for the majority of the test, but thankfully woke up shortly before the nurse came in, otherwise the test would have taken longer. Everything is fine; it was strange leaving the office, everyone told me good luck . . . I really do like all the people involved with Dr. Weaver's office, she is a great doctor and has surrounded herself with a wonderful staff. Was was even more strange was pulling out of the parking garage at BroMenn realizing that the next time I enter, it will be to park before I am admitted for the induction . . .whoa! Baby is comin'
The plan for this weekend includes staying cool . . .the weather has just started getting very warm (lil' boy should have arrived before this) and I was laying, 9 months pregnant, dying last night and finally gave in and turned on the air-conditioning. I think lots of time in the pool is in my plans for the weekend and of course making final preparations for my lil' prince . . . also, Jordan and I may be welcoming another member to our family, a little Boston terrier. While researching names for this new addition, I came across the Irish meaning of Eoin (we loved the name, it was a family name and so finding out the meaning was not anything that crossed my mind) and it means gift of God. I love it almost as much as I already love him!!!! Not too much longer now . . . Monday night/Tuesday morning is going to arrive before we know it; I making sure to fill my time up between now and then so it flies by. Jordan and I are both planning on working on Monday (the minutes would literally crawl if I didn't) and I am going to class Monday evening, so I just have to come home and take my time showering and getting things together and then to the hospital we go!!!
The plan for this weekend includes staying cool . . .the weather has just started getting very warm (lil' boy should have arrived before this) and I was laying, 9 months pregnant, dying last night and finally gave in and turned on the air-conditioning. I think lots of time in the pool is in my plans for the weekend and of course making final preparations for my lil' prince . . . also, Jordan and I may be welcoming another member to our family, a little Boston terrier. While researching names for this new addition, I came across the Irish meaning of Eoin (we loved the name, it was a family name and so finding out the meaning was not anything that crossed my mind) and it means gift of God. I love it almost as much as I already love him!!!! Not too much longer now . . . Monday night/Tuesday morning is going to arrive before we know it; I making sure to fill my time up between now and then so it flies by. Jordan and I are both planning on working on Monday (the minutes would literally crawl if I didn't) and I am going to class Monday evening, so I just have to come home and take my time showering and getting things together and then to the hospital we go!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Due date shmudate
It came and it went . . . no baby! My heartburn is back with vengeance. I don't sleep at night, but all I want to do during the day is nap. Enough complaining . . . in 5 days I am going to have a little baby :)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I'm back
Alright, longest appointment to date! We began with an ultrasound to get some measurements of my little prince . . . he is right at about 7lbs 11oz. (this can be off by up to a pound however!) and is completely average! Everything looked great and of course we received some more pictures. He has be photographed numerous times through this gestational period! After that we met with Dr. Weaver . . . guess what? No Progress! Apparently I have a very small cervix (this could actually be preventing me from dialating any further) and it is not opening to let this baby out! We are going to give it another week, however. If I have not delivered Eoin by Monday, I will go into the hospital to be induced on Tuesday at approximately 12:05am . . . Dr. Weaver was sure to mention that if I were to end up with a c-section that it would not be due to the induction. I really needed to hear those words because if I end up with a c-section (I need everyone's fingers crossed and all of your prayers for this not to happen) I would forever wonder if it was due to being induced. So, it feels good to at least know that there is an end to my pregnancy in sight. I also had a non-stress test to determine that the baby was snug as a rug. . . well, no surprise there, he is in perfect shape; heartbeat up when it should and down when it should also! Well, I'm still going to walking and trying to get this baby out before next week, but if not, we are expecting his arrival of June 10th!
My doctor's appointment today is at 1:30pm . . . I barely slept last night and thankfully had meetings all morning to distract my mind; I have been anxiously awaiting this appointment since my last on Friday! I'm hoping to get some good news about Eoin's arrival. I'm not sure what I am wanting to hear, but best case scenario will be Dr. Weaver saying "go get your things, you are in labor!" and worst case will be Dr. Weaver saying "alright, well, we'll let you go until 42 weeks and see if anything has happened." Well, I'll update the blog when I get back . . . phew . . . hoping for some good news!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Still pregnant? Yeppers!
Okay, so maybe I'm not quite that chipper when I am asked if I am still pregnant . . . at all. That's right folks, 2 days until my due date and I'm still not in labor. I did, however, have a lovely weekend . . . I'll fill you in.
Saturday, after sleeping in, I went over the Jordan's mom and dad's house and got into the pool. I must recommend this for anyone who is preggers . . . being weightless and in the water is the best feeling in the world! I wanted to find a floating pillow and sleep in the pool as the water coutoured my body better than my bed ever could! It was relaxing beyond words, so I decided to do it again on Sunday :) I got a little bit too much sun on Saturday so I had to lather on the sunscreen on Sunday . . . who would've thought that 9 months without any sun exposure would lead to a burn? haha . . . I'll blame that one one pregnesia! On Saturday, whilst awaiting the arrival of Ashley, Nick and most importantly Aidan, I went on a walk with Lisa . . . she wore me out and we walked about 4 miles. It felt great at the time, but I must say I paid for it later. I was very sore that night and I developed some swelling in my feet and ankles . . . I actually developed a LOT of swelling in my feet and ankles which were dubbed Fred Flintstone feet!
The highlight of the weekend was meeting Aidan Jo! She is absolutely adorable and made me want for my lil' man even moreso! She has a full head of hair and dimples and really is such a good little baby. Ashley, Nick and Aidan came to visit to check out Eoin's nursery and I got to try out a real baby in my stroller. Aidan seemed to enjoy it, so I can't wait for Eoin to test drive it also!
Jordan was able to get lots accomplished around the house; he began painting the exterior last weekend and with Pat's help was able to get a lot more done this weekend . . . also check out our new porch lights that made their debut yesterday thanks to eletrical help from Nick! Jordan left this morning for work for the week, but I'll hopefully be giving him a call to get back either Wednesday or Thursday . . . we'll see; I will hopefully know more after my doctor's appointment tomorrow . . . I have been anxiously awaiting it! Tomorrow 1:30pm . . . stay tuned!
Saturday, after sleeping in, I went over the Jordan's mom and dad's house and got into the pool. I must recommend this for anyone who is preggers . . . being weightless and in the water is the best feeling in the world! I wanted to find a floating pillow and sleep in the pool as the water coutoured my body better than my bed ever could! It was relaxing beyond words, so I decided to do it again on Sunday :) I got a little bit too much sun on Saturday so I had to lather on the sunscreen on Sunday . . . who would've thought that 9 months without any sun exposure would lead to a burn? haha . . . I'll blame that one one pregnesia! On Saturday, whilst awaiting the arrival of Ashley, Nick and most importantly Aidan, I went on a walk with Lisa . . . she wore me out and we walked about 4 miles. It felt great at the time, but I must say I paid for it later. I was very sore that night and I developed some swelling in my feet and ankles . . . I actually developed a LOT of swelling in my feet and ankles which were dubbed Fred Flintstone feet!
The highlight of the weekend was meeting Aidan Jo! She is absolutely adorable and made me want for my lil' man even moreso! She has a full head of hair and dimples and really is such a good little baby. Ashley, Nick and Aidan came to visit to check out Eoin's nursery and I got to try out a real baby in my stroller. Aidan seemed to enjoy it, so I can't wait for Eoin to test drive it also!
Jordan was able to get lots accomplished around the house; he began painting the exterior last weekend and with Pat's help was able to get a lot more done this weekend . . . also check out our new porch lights that made their debut yesterday thanks to eletrical help from Nick! Jordan left this morning for work for the week, but I'll hopefully be giving him a call to get back either Wednesday or Thursday . . . we'll see; I will hopefully know more after my doctor's appointment tomorrow . . . I have been anxiously awaiting it! Tomorrow 1:30pm . . . stay tuned!
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