This blog was designed to journal our experiences during the pregnancy of our first child. Then our second child came and somewhere along the way life got ahead of me and updates were rare. Our newest addition, our third boy recently turned one and I'm getting back to the blog world as we create family memories!
still oh so cute. Jordan has been working in Farmer City this week and it is so nice to have him home every night, but sometimes it hasn't been until 9:00 or 9:30, or even later! He works so hard! I had planned to go out with Mickey and Erin last night for dinner, but since Jordan had to work late I was more than willing to stay at home; Uncle Pat to the rescue, he came over and spent some quality time with his lil' man (see above picture) and I got to get out of the house for a couple of hours . . . well that is all it took, I missed him and hurried home!
Happy Birthday to Grandma Kohn! We won't disclose how many candles are on her cake, but she looks great. We can't wait for cake to celebrate with you this weekend. Eoin misses you, but hopes you had a great night at Jersey Boys!