chubby checks :)
For what seems like the last 6 weeks, my life has been one huge came of trying to complete things by deadlines and being kinda crazy in general (moreso than usual!) Well, here I am finally getting caught up on some things I have neglected in the chaos, including updating our beloved blog and therefore letting some of our family and friends also catch up on our goings on.
These pictures are from the last ISU game we attended. The season was very fun and I think Eoin really enjoyed himself while he was awake.
On March 20th we sold our house and bought the new one in a succession of closings. We were technically homeless on paper for a little under an hour. The packing and moving process was greatly helped (or ran and directed and completed) with a lot of help from Jordan's parents and his Aunt Tina. We really couldn't have completed everything on time without all of the help we received from friends and family. The house is fantastic. It is so nice to have more space. We utilized a spare bedroom when my mom came down to visit this past Sunday through Tuesday. Although she was anxious to help me get rid of some boxes (and she did) I just wanted her to spend some time with Eoin. Eoin loved seeing his Nana! I promise to post more pictures of the house soon; we are thoroughly enjoying making it our own . . . and I have to admit that pulling into a garage is pure heaven!
Eoin has enjoyed his new house . . . he loves to almost crawl all over the place . . . he rocks in the crawling position, moves backwards, rolls and spins himself around, but the forward crawling has alluded him, but I fear it is coming any day! The new home needs to be baby-proofed! Eoin's teething has really been bothering him lately and unfortunately it has interrupted by lil' boys perfect sleep schedule. One of his top front teeth has cracked through though, bringing the teeth count up to 3! I feel the another top tooth will appear very quickly.
Although his teeth have been bothering him, another little viral issue brought us to the emergency room on Wednesday morning! He woke up with a 104.4 fever which was too high for me to pacify with Tylenol. Although he gave us a bit of a scare, he reacted very well to the Tynenol and Motrin given to him and off we went, to enjoy a day together! He seems to be feeling much better today, so fingers crossed he is all better.
Jordan has been traveling for work 1/2 of every week; he is gone Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights . . . although we miss him very much, the weeks seem to fly right on by and we are so excited to see him tonight!