It's Illinois State University's Homecoming week; remaining true to the fact that it is, indeed, my alma mater, I was thrilled that Little Jewels celebrates the week as their Spirit Week!! Buzzin' in the Hive this week (Eoin's room is the "Bee Room") were themed days for each day of the week . . . Monday was your Favorite Football Team Day and Eoin wore his ISU Redbird Jersey. Tuesday was Crazy Hair/Rock 'n Roll Day; this one was a little bit of a challenge as Eoin lacks the hair part of the Crazy Hair, but we worked with what we had, spiking up each little strand and he wore a shirt that was gifted to him by his Auntie Helena that stated "Mommy's Star" on the front in gold, tres Rock 'n Roll! Wednesday would have been Class Color Day (well, it still was) but Eoin had to show his spirit from home as he had a rattling cough. Eoin persisted on going to school today as it Toga Day! He looked adorable in his navy blue toga, although he was sad that mommy was leaving him. Tomorrow is Red/ISU Day and he will be sporting his Redbird Hoodie! Tomorrow is the crowning of King and Queen also (yes, I realize he is 16 months old!) and we all have our fingers crossed for Eoin . . . obviously we will update everyone with the results tomorrow :)