Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: Baby Kohn is the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 3 lbs . . . I did actually jump on a scale and I'm holding strong at 3lbs!
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing my normal clothes but I definitely notice them getting tighter!
Gender: Can't wait to find out!
Movement: Not sure, definitely feeling some gas though, haha
Sleep: I'm so tired - that I sleep pretty well at night!
What I miss: This week, sushi! I want it, and might have to resort to some sort of cooked roll.
Cravings: McDonald's breakfast, white bread
Symptoms: I'm starting to feel a lot better! I am getting some energy back, enough that I ran Saturday and Sunday and made it to boot camp today!
I am so happy to be out of the first trimester. I remember this trimester when I was pregnant with Eoin and I remember it being pretty great! We had some fantastic weather this past weekend and I got out and enjoyed it by doing my little running route; I run 2 miles out then walk the 2 miles back. It felt so good to sweat! I was a little tighter on Sunday, but still did it! It hurts so good and I know it is definitely good for me and the peanut!
I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for next Monday morning. I cannot wait to hear the heart beat again. Actually I couldn't wait! I called my doctor's office to see if they could fit me in to hear the heart beat on Thursday. I needed a little reassurance and peace of mind. Thankfully my doctor's office completely understood and within the hour I had heard the heart beat and was back at work! The healthy beat was in the 160s!
This being my busy time at work, I have loads to keep me busy through the week. Looking forward to the next update!