Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Day in the Life

A popular trend in blogging at the minute is to feature a 'day in the life' type blog.  While I thought it would be incredibly boring, I thought that it would be so fun to look back on in a couple of years and see how my typical days have changed!  So here goes, a day in my life . . . (it should be noted that I have put this off, saying, "Well, I'm doing this or that today making it not so typical" but I woke up this morning and although there are a few atypical things about today, each day is a different one in and of itself.)

Wednesday June 29, 2011

5:00am - I wake up, Jordan has already left for work for the day.  The baby is still sleeping!  Success!  This is the third night in a row that he has officially slept through the night to my standards.  I know that doctors claim sleeping in more than 5 hour increments is 'through the night' but I need more than that! He has been asleep since his newly established bedtime of 8:00pm.  Actually both boys have this bedtime now.  It is a little difficult in the summer since the sun is still shining and Eoin believes he should be awake when the sun is up, but it makes for a much happier little boy in the long run.

Since the baby is still sleeping, I pump and then head back to bed.  This is the first morning I didn't wake him to feed and instead I am seeing exactly how long he will sleep.  

6:00am - The baby wakes up cooing!  I take him into my bed to feed and we both fall asleep.  I love this little man and snuggling with him is the best!

6:45am - Now my morning is really beginning.  I start laundry and I jump in the shower while the baby continues to sleep.  I start getting ready for the day, knowing that I am on borrowed time.  Eoin and Liam will both need attention soon.

7:25am - Eoin scares me!  He jumps in the bathroom while I am blow drying my hair.  He's awake.  I finish my hair and make up.  Time to dress Eoin, change the baby, finally put my clothes on and head downstairs.  I go downstairs with the baby in one arm, my pump bag, diaper bag . . . I have become the bag lady!

I quickly get the bottles together, grab some juice for Eoin, put the baby in the carseat, tote my bags and the baby to the car and then come back and get Eoin.  

7:50am - We are in the car and on our way!  This is the first time I feel like I can actually breath in the mornings.  I enjoy my time in the car (so long as I am on time) and spend it chatting with Eoin.  He usually takes advantage of the time to educate me on every single vehicle we pass and since we go through a couple of construction zones he asks if the 'guys' are working.  

8:05am - Pull into the Little Jewels parking lot.  The great task of getting the baby and Eoin out of the car and into the center.  We first go to the Butterfly Room where Liam spends his day.  After putting bottles in the fridge, diapers in the basket and giving hugs and kisses, it is on the the cafeteria where Eoin gets dropped off and begins his breakfast.  I leave LJs and hit up the ATM for a deposit on my way in!  Gotta love the convenience of this.

8:30am - Time for me to begin work!  First I need my morning coffee.  There is nothing I missed more on maternity leave than my morning ritual of coffee and catch up at my desk.  I gather myself and plan for the day!  I thrive when I can have this 10 minutes.

8:45am - Working all that marketing magic.

9:30am - This is where the workplace meets motherhood.  I head into a conference room close to my desk and perform my motherly duty with this proudly posted on the door:
12:00pm - Lunch.  Lunch is my absolute favorite meal of the day.  Anything goes; I love it!

12:30pm - Pumping once again.  To save a little time/space/etc.  I pump again at 3:30pm ;)

5:00pm - After saving the world one competitive marketing plan/event at a time, I pack up and hit the car to pick up my babies!  This day is a little unusual in that I will not be picking up Eoin.  On Wednesday's Grandma Lisa picks him up for a night of debauchery aka Grandma fun!  This is great because Jordan and I get some one on one time with Liam.  Although, I do have to say that these evenings are much more quiet without our little bundle of energy!  Before I get to Little Jewels a stop at the dry cleaner for a pick up /drop off is necessary.  To safe time, I never pick up without a drop off!  

5:45pm - Get home, let the dog out, start dinner.  I have to say that while my mornings can be stressful, I seem to hit my all time high of the day when I get home.  Thankfully I have an amazing husband who usually steps in and takes over.  He finishes dinner while I nurse the baby and throw in the diaper load.  
We then eat dinner (as a family as many nights as possible!) and veg out/play/chores until it is time to get the bedtime routine started!

7:45pm - Bath time for Liam.  Lotion, jammies and then in bed (bassinet) at 8:00pm.  This is only his second week of sleeping through the night, so I am adamant about sticking to this routine for now.  He will sleep through until 6:00am!

8:00pm - Time for me to work on my fitness!  haha.  Although I was running frequently before and at the beginning of my pregnancy, my running or really any sort of exercise dropped off significantly.  I began the Couch 2 5K program and today I did week 4 day 3.  

8:45pm - Get back, quick shower, more laundry and then some pillow time with my husband.  We recap our days, laugh, chat and more often than not he is sleeping long before I am.  Although he hates it (due to the light and for no other reason) I stay up reading before I say Goodnight Moon.  I just started Bossypants by Tina Fey.

Tomorrow is Thursday!  I will get up and do it all over again. .  . and although it seems a little hectic at times, I love my life and my family is my world!

I have to apologize for the length of this post; while I wanted to be as detailed as possible for my own records later, I realize now I can cram a lot of stuff into a short 24 hour span . . . who's up for making days 28 hours long?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Friday

Waking up to these two can make any day great, but the fact that it is a short work day, Friday, Cookie Friday, and we are headed up north to see some special people this weekend, it is just an amazing day!  The fact that I got very little sleep last night isn't even on my mind!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tom Thumb

We officially have a thumb-sucker.  Although Eoin played with his thumb here and there, the was never a full-fledged thumb sucker.  Liam, on the other hand, cries heartily until he can get his thumb in place and then goes to town on it!  It is absolutely adorable and I have to say, it is much nicer than using me as a pacifier or having to keep a pacifier at arms length all the time. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

{Tina and Krystal}

We were so happy to share in Tina and Krystal's civil union ceremony on Saturday evening.  These two women play such an important role in our family, they are loved through and through!  The storms and rain held out and it was a beautiful evening.  

Eoin took part in the ceremony by carrying up the candle that represented those that could not be present.  He took his job very seriously and marched his way up!  


We couldn't be more thrilled for them to be 'officially' recognized as a couple.  Krystal's father spoke and said it perfectly - "Illinois doesn't do much right, but they did this right!"  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bring on Summer

Happy First Day of Summer!!!!

Back yard BBQs
Fun in the Sun
Pool Time

Friday, June 17, 2011

{Eoin} 3 year appointment

I am still in shock and awe that I have a three year old!  A bouncing, beautiful, healthy, thriving three year old little boy!  How?!  Eoin sailed through the list of accomplishments he should be able to do at this age.  We have an eye exam to perform at home, but we are sure that he will pass that with flying colors also!  He had a few shots and a finger prick to test for anemia (which he clearly does not have!) and his cholesterol.  Everything came back just peachy.  He is very proportional in height and weight coming in at 38 inches (in the 75th percentile) and weighing 35.1 pounds (also in the 75th percentile). 

{Liam} 2 month appointment

Yesterday I took the boys for a doctor's appointment; it was already Liam's 2 month appointment!  I had made the appointment far in advance and it seemed to be forever away at the time, but alas, it came upon me very quickly.  Since I was taking both boys at the same time, I asked Lisa to accompany me.  Dr. Weaver explained it was usually a good idea to have an even adult/child ratio.  I am so pleased I took his advice.  Liam would not take the bottle that he was left over from the day at daycare and instead wanted to nurse, all the while, Eoin needed to go potty. 

I am also glad I asked Lisa to join me because I am the biggest baby when it comes to needles and had to leave the room while shots were administered.  Both boys were much braver than I!  Little Liam was such a trooper.  But we also discovered that "Little Liam" isn't quite so little.  He measured in at 13lbs 1oz (90th percentile) and inches (also 90th percentile).  Although I still completely claim him to be my little peanut.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I promise to back blog ...

. . . it will be easier to keep up now that I have much more computer time,
but in the meantime . . .

Liam slept from 10:00pm to 4:40am last night! REJOICE, we have a sleeper!
I was beginning to wonder and fear. Eoin was sleeping from 9-5 at this age. I will take whatever I can get :)

Friday, June 3, 2011


One of the biggest questions I receive is hands down, "who does Liam look like?" 

With Eoin, there was no denying the fact that he is Jordan's spitting image.  At Tina and Krystal's wedding they matched each other down to their LIVE STRONG Lance Armstrong bracelets! 

Although with Liam it isn't so cut and dry.  We question who he look like the most, with many people siding that he tends to look more like me.  At first everyone thought he was identical to Eoin and while I think they are very similar in looks, almost identical, others tend to say that Liam is definitely his own little boy. 

Although, when you look at this picture, you can definitely tell they are brothers!  And while I do love to compare Liam to Eoin and vice versa, I do realize they are their own little people. 

Normal Baseball

During the National Anthem

My Little Sluggers

Last night we headed out with our neighbors Missy and the Paul family to cheer on our local minor league baseball team.  The boys had a blast.  Gavin, Gage and Eoin played and ran around.  My employers sponsor the kids' zone and the boys had such a great time!  We will definitely be making it out to more games than the one we did during their inaugural season last year.  Eoin is such a typical boy and obsessed with any and all sports!  Football, baseball, basketball . . . he is loving it all.  I'm so excited for the day he gets to be a part of a team!