Well, we had our first (and hopefully last) trip to the E.R. on Friday night. Everything is fine but being pregnant, certain precautions are obviously taken and it turns out that instead of a mountain out of amole hill, we made a boulder out of stone, this will make sense in about 3 minutes.
Anyways, I was working at C.J.'s on Friday night, trucking away making those extra dollars when suddenly I felt a sharp, shrill pain on my left side, just above my hip bone. It hurt so badly I had to grab the corner of the cooler to prevent my self from falling. It came and went, but startled me all the same! Well, I thought that it had gone, but it continued for awhile and the pain continued to get stronger (a.k.a. unbearable!). I had not eaten dinner yet and self diagnosed that I needed to eat as everything seems to be related to food with me these days! Well, I ate some dinner (a grilled cheese with tomato to be exact, I know you were asking yourself!) and ate it incredibly quickly trying to make the pain go away all this time gritting my teeth from the pain. It did not subside. I went to the bathroom. Came back. Still in pain. Went to the bathroom again at this point I was brought to tears by the pain and knew I could not leave the bathroom. I called Jordan and he said to call the dr. From my new position in the bathroom I also called the hostess to let her know where I was and what was going on (actually it was more like, please come back here right now!). We got through to a dr. on call who suggested that I go to the emergency room. Right. We were on our way . . .
We checked into Bromen's emergency room at 8:07p.m. I was seen by a great doctor who ordered some tests and an ultrasound of my kidneys and liver as well as an obstetric ultrasound (at least I got to see my little Junebug out of the experience!). It should be noted that this was my 2nd trip to the E.R. ever! The first was for some minor stitches so this was a new experience for me, I felt like a human pin cushion with the I.V. and blood work; I should also mention I am deathly afraid of needles! (I better not see the epi needle beforehand!)Everything was well with the baby and we even got to see him/her sucking his/her thumb. The ultrasound tech, however, detected some stones in my left kidney. The dr. confirmed this and also said that some of the pain I was experiencing was the straining of my round ligament. I was instructed to rest and take Tynenol for the pain. Rest? right! But Jordan was such a great trooper all weekend and would demand me to rest and not to take things to my limit. After a relaxing Monday off work (doctor's orders) I feel much better. I spoke with Dr. Weaver yesterday and I have been referred to a urologist. So from there we shall see how things go . . .
The pain has subsided for the most part with a few pangs every now and then, however I know my limits much better at this point and don't want to feel that pain again until labor so I am following them! I promise the next post will be much more pleasant . . . only 17 more days until the next ultrasound!
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