Thursday, January 31, 2008

Landon Donovan or David Beckham??

I cannot believe how quickly my pregnancy seems to be going. Rapid, lightening fast! Although, I must say that answering the question of when I am due with "June," seems so far away still! Although, note to all involved that I am convinced that this baby is going to make his arrival in May. I'm just saying, when it happens, you heard it here first, folks. I was early (2 weeks, I must not have liked it and from there on out decided never to be early again) and Jordan was early (2 months) so, the chances are, we'll have a little early bird on our hands.

We also have a little soccer player on our hands. Considering how my family ended up in the U.S. this is not really that big of a surprise to me and I love feeling him move around more than anything!!!! Jordan has been very patient and finally got to feel him kick for the first time the other night! The little man seems to be most active at night right before I am ready to fall asleep; however, I also feel him moving quite a bit while sitting at work . . .I am not certain if these are really his "active" moments or these are the times when I am more at rest, so I actually feel him.

At this point I feel very unprepared for a baby to arrive, but I just keep having to tell myself that we still have 18 weeks~although it will definitely be a busy 18 weeks! On the work side of things, I do not have an intern this spring, so my workload has increased quite a bit. I am still searching for an intern for the summer, but since I will be gone for a major part of the summer, I am being very picky! I am already getting things in order, however, and am beginning to feel prepared to leave for awhile. At home, we were beginning to work on the nursery when we decided to look at a new house. We liked it. A lot. And so now, instead of working on a nursery, we are preparing our house to put it on the market. The house we looked at is actually only 6 houses away from Grandma and Grandpa Kohn. All parties are very excited about the possibilities; of course any offer we made on the house would be contingent upon us selling ours. (Side note: Know anyone looking for a house. I love ours and it has lots of upgrades and a FANTASTIC yard! Located at Linden and Virginia it is very close to the trail)

I am getting bigger, or should I say, Little Boy is getting bigger everyday. Tossing and turning usually comes with some moans and groans these days and Jordan usually cannot help but giggle! I am at the point in my pregnancy where my bump is rather ambiguous. To those who know I am pregant it is definitely there, but to those who don't necessarily know, they definitely have questions. Jordan and I attended the Chamber of Commerce Gala on Saturday night and I heard someone discreetly ask another person at our table if I was expecting . . . they were still not sure enough to congratulate me without confirmation.

Our next doctor appointment is on Tuesday and thanks to our friendly ultrasound tech. we get another view of our little man (she couldn't see his lips last time, wink wink). Hopefully we will be able to receive more pictures for our collection.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Popping bubbles!

belly at 19 weeks, 3 days! Getting bigger! I could hurt Jordan for capturing this second photo, but I'll probably appreciate it later!

Time is flying by! I cannot believe that Sunday will mark my 1/2 way mark of 20 weeks. My life has changed drastically is as I know it is only the beginning. I cannot wait to meet my little man, and everyday that passes is one day closer to his arrival. Everything is becoming much more "real" with my baby bump developing even moreso than before and I have now felt him move! I couldn't be more excited as I have been very patient waiting for the slightest feeling and I finally felt him Tuesday night very very late. It was absolutely amazing! I loved it and I have only felt it once since. He seems to be much more active at night and the feeling is like popping bubbles. The doctor had said that it may be a little longer for me to feel anything due to the placement of my placenta, and although I was a little disappointed that it would take longer, I finally felt it!!!
It has been all about baby lately. I spend much of my nights either cleaning or researching baby items. A friend of Jordan's from high school, Katie, has been such a big help! She has recommended tons of websites and items and knows first hand what works and what doesn't due to the experience with her little girl, Lily, who is not quite a year old (and so cute!). She suggested we purchase a book called Baby Bargains that has been invaluable and has aided me in developing a list of items to purchase and register for before the baby arrives.
Since we found out we are having a little boy we have been tossing around a few names and a couple have been sticking. Our top two at the minute are Aidan (Aodhan) and Owen (Eoin). The names in parentheses are the Irish spellings and although I have had the experience of a difficult spelling/pronounciation and would probably not want my children to go through the same experiences, it is important for me to hang on to some Irish heritage and so the Irish spelling is definitely an option.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Drum roll please . . . . .

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jordan and I just left the doctor's and found out we are having a baby boy and couldn't be anymore excited!!!! The ultrasound tech, Whitney, was fantastic and asked us if she could tell, would we want to know . . . of course we agreed that we would (our plan with the envelope went out the window b/c of our excitement!) Well, our little man was not shy at all! He waved to us and smiled at us, got bored with us and started sucking his thumb . . . he was such a little poser, Whitney was able to give us a photo album of fantastic ultrasound pictures!

Our appointment with Dr. Weaver following the sonogram was incredibly short; she said we are so easy that we are boring, and Jordan and I were in agreement with Dr. Weaver that boring was definitely good! I gained a significant amount of weight since my last appointment (7lbs) but I am going to say that it was due to the holidays! Yeah, the holidays!

We are incredibly excited and can now start shopping and thinking of names more seriously!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Auld Lang Syne

Happy New Year! Jordan and I had a New Year's Eve celebration at Killarney's amidst the huge snow storm. Tony and Mickey had a lovely dinner catered in from Central Station for employees and others before the bar officially opened. We had a delicious fare and had great company; Jaci and Jake also joined in the fun and Jaci is right at about 32 weeks preggo, so I had many questions, etc. for her! She looks fantastic.
My plan was to stay on as long as I felt up to it . . . I made no promises of making it until midnight, but armed with my Welch's sparkling grape juice, I surpassed midnight and made it all the way until 12:30. Unfortunately at that point I had to spoil Jordan's fun and ask if we could leave. He was more than happy to accomodate my request, although, for only the second time since I have been pregnant, he took advantage of a built in designated driver. Although up until we left, I had a great time. It was so nice to be able to still enjoy the company of those at a bar since it was smoke free (well, for the most part, but the instant someone came near me while smoking, Andy Naeger and Jordan made sure they knew not to come around again! They were so protective!) I spent most of the night playing touch screen word search, which was actually very entertaining to me.
As you can see by the pictures above, my true pale complexion is really at its height at the moment. The only gripe I have about pregnancy is that fact that I cannot tan. For those of you who do not know, tanning can raise your core body temperature which can be very harmful for the baby (this is the same reason hot tubs are out of the question). I feel so, for lack of a better word, yucky, but I am not tanning! But, when you glance at the picture of Erin and I together, doesn't the song "Ebony and Ivory" come to mind?
2007 was fantastic! Some highlights included our wedding and honeymoon (I want to go back so badly! Maybe for my sister's wedding!!!), Kelly's engagement, McKaylah's 1st birthday, starting my job and loving it, Jordan starting his new job and already receiving a promotion, finding out we are pregnant!!!
2008 is going to be fantastic! Some things we are looking forward to include the birth of our child, our first wedding anniversary, the many firsts that come with a baby, the birth of our neice or nephew Segal, many weddings including Stacy and Jess, Jaclyn and Mike, Tara and John, and Katie and John, some renovations to house and of course spending lots of time with those nearest and dearest to us!
Tomorrow is d-day on the gender sonogram! I am incredibly excited! It came so quickly . . . I can hardly believe that I am 18 weeks and 4 days along . . . pretty soon, I am sure I will stop adding the days to the end of my week count, but I am not ready to just yet! Nevertheless, we will find out tomorrow if we are going to be overwhelmed with pink or blue . . .