Time is flying by! I cannot believe that Sunday will mark my 1/2 way mark of 20 weeks. My life has changed drastically is as I know it is only the beginning. I cannot wait to meet my little man, and everyday that passes is one day closer to his arrival. Everything is becoming much more "real" with my baby bump developing even moreso than before and I have now felt him move! I couldn't be more excited as I have been very patient waiting for the slightest feeling and I finally felt him Tuesday night very very late. It was absolutely amazing! I loved it and I have only felt it once since. He seems to be much more active at night and the feeling is like popping bubbles. The doctor had said that it may be a little longer for me to feel anything due to the placement of my placenta, and although I was a little disappointed that it would take longer, I finally felt it!!!
It has been all about baby lately. I spend much of my nights either cleaning or researching baby items. A friend of Jordan's from high school, Katie, has been such a big help! She has recommended tons of websites and items and knows first hand what works and what doesn't due to the experience with her little girl, Lily, who is not quite a year old (and so cute!). She suggested we purchase a book called Baby Bargains that has been invaluable and has aided me in developing a list of items to purchase and register for before the baby arrives.
Since we found out we are having a little boy we have been tossing around a few names and a couple have been sticking. Our top two at the minute are Aidan (Aodhan) and Owen (Eoin). The names in parentheses are the Irish spellings and although I have had the experience of a difficult spelling/pronounciation and would probably not want my children to go through the same experiences, it is important for me to hang on to some Irish heritage and so the Irish spelling is definitely an option.