This is Aspen showing off her belly too! Actually she was fast asleep and I couldn't help but take a picture of her, check out her snaggle tooth!!!
23 weeks, 3 days and the countdown is still on in the form of days . . .
Jordan and enjoyed watching the SuperBowl and all the commercials at Pat's new apartment. Since I love football but didn't really have a team to root for in this years game, I was more excited about the food that we had planned more than anything else. It turns out we had an exciting game (at the end, the rest was rather uneventful and low-scoring) and some hilarious commercials. Little boy obviously did not know what was going on outside his warm nesting area, but decided to go crazy in the last few minutes of the game . . . I'm thinking we may have another SuperFan on our hands, or quite possibly the MVP of SuperBowl XXXVII???? A mother can dream, right?
Yesterday we had another appointment with Dr. Weaver and got another sonogram to see our little man. He was not quite as cooperative this time around and would only give us a glimpse of his little face. We get to see him again in 6 weeks, so hopefully he is not quite as stubborn (uh oh, he is sounding like a Brown) as this time and we get lots more pictures. Whitney, our ultrasound tech. looked a little puzzled at one point during the time she was taking measurements to discover his weight (oh, and yes, he is still a boy!). She asked Jordan and I, who are obviously of average height, who happens to be tall in our family? Well, Grandpa Kohn is rather tall, so we answered that there is some height in the family and she said that made sense since our little boy has very long legs and is measuring much later than his 23 weeks in height. Later in the evening, upon sharing our revelation with our mothers, we discovered that both of our great-grandfathers are very tall. . .we'll just have to wait and see. At my next appointment I will take the dreaded glucose test and then after that we go to appointments every 2 weeks! Everything is going by so quickly . . .