This weekend we (okay, I) decided I missed McKaylah so much and wanted her to come for a visit! Jordan and I left after work on Friday and met Kelly, Tim and Lil' Miss in Joliet (the 1/2 way point). She cried at first upon leaving her mama and dada, but after awhile she was laughing and chatting up a storm. She ended up falling asleep in the car for a little while, but once we opened the door to the house and she saw Reilly and Aspen, her little face lit up! "Dat, Dawg!" She filled up Reilly and Aspen's love buckets all weekend! Sometimes they would try to get away for some peace and quiet in their usual spot of underneath our bed, well, I'm not sure they realized that McKaylah was little enough to get under there, until she actually did! They were not safe from her kisses anywhere!
Saturday morning, we went to CJ's for a delicious breakfast. Afterwards we headed back home. While McKaylah took a brief nap, we cleaned as there was going to be a showing of the house. To get out of the way, I awoke McKaylah and took her to visit Erin at hair school to get a trim. She was a hit at hair school, especially with her little "meow," however, she did not want to get her hair cut! Finally, we were able to get this accomplished by her sitting in the chair, sans booster, flicking through pictures on the camera; needless to say we were unable to get any pictures of the actual cut.
Saturday morning, we went to CJ's for a delicious breakfast. Afterwards we headed back home. While McKaylah took a brief nap, we cleaned as there was going to be a showing of the house. To get out of the way, I awoke McKaylah and took her to visit Erin at hair school to get a trim. She was a hit at hair school, especially with her little "meow," however, she did not want to get her hair cut! Finally, we were able to get this accomplished by her sitting in the chair, sans booster, flicking through pictures on the camera; needless to say we were unable to get any pictures of the actual cut.
After the trip to the beauty school, we made a trip out to the Interstate Center to visit with "Leesa" and walk around the booths of the Home Show. McKaylah was fantastic for the most part! The Humane Society was there with some cats and she had a ball, she didn't like the idea that they were in a cage, however, because they she couldn't play with them! After the Home Show we made a stop at Chuck E. Cheese. McKaylah was very sleepy on our way there, however, once again, tiredness took a backseat to fun as soon as we walked in the door! We spent a while there before we decided to it was time to get home! Shortly after some "num-nums" and right around 6:45pm we started to wind things down so McKaylah could go to bed! Right at 7:00pm she was really ready and so her night ened at that! She was pooped!
After a wonderful night sleep, McKaylah woke up full of energy and chased Reilly and Aspen around the house for a little while longer! She was so cute and even tried lifting Reilly! For those of you who don't know, Reilly is an evil cat. He hisses and bites anyone he is unfamiliar with; this basically means he hates everyone except Jordan and I and also Pat sometimes. We can now include McKaylah in this distinguished list; Reilly was so patient and good with her. This is a big relief for Jordan and I as we were quite worried as to how Rei would react with children. Poor Aspen wanted McKaylah's attention all weekend, but McKaylah was more interested in Reilly; but Aspen still received some love!
After playing, it was time to get dressed and hit the road. Although I suspected McKaylah to fall asleep as soon as we got on the road, she made it most of the way chattering and telling me stories as well as "tweet tweeting" like a bird! She was incredibly excited to see her mama and dada, although I hope she had a blast and wants to visit again soon.
On the baby Eoin side of things, Jordan and I (mostly Jordan, okay all Jordan) made progress on the nursery. With our house on the market, we had decided to wait on putting everything together until last minute, but we changed our mind this weekend and starting getting things done! Our dresser that we ordered came in and I think that is what triggered things; now we have the dresser, the changing table, the crib and purchased curtains last night. Grandma Kohn came over to check out the additions and brought over a book that belonged to Jordan when he was a lil' boy! What a sentimental addition to our little boys room it has made. We have ordered the bedding and things seem to be falling place just fine. We painted the room a neutral color when we put the house up for sale; it will remain this color for Eoin with the exception of one wall, but that will be painted closer to his arrival! With McKaylah's visit and all of the additions to our old spare room we are really starting to prepare for Baby Eoin to arrive and to be parents!
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