Wednesday, April 16, 2008

pushing and pain meds

Yesterday I attended my doctor's appointment solo as it was another one of our "drive thru" check ups . . . meaning it would be silly for Jordan to leave work when it would take longer to get the doctor's office than the entire appointment would last. Updates are that I continue to measure right on track, my weight gain has finally slowed down, blood pressure is great, and Eoin's heartbeat is incredibly easy to locate and sounds fantastic! Dr. Weaver even commented that she knew everything was going well since I was still trucking around in heels! I only have one more appointment (May 2nd and Jordan will attend) before I begin attending weekly appointments!

We also had our fourth class with Jennifer last night; I now feel very educated on all of the forms of medication that I could possibly receive during labor and pros and cons to each. I am not going to lie, labor scares me, but I'm more afraid of an epidural and a cesarian section than the pain associated with labor (those who have been through labor can have a giggle right about now and say how it is so easy for me to say this as I am ignorant to the pain of labor!). After learning exactly how epidurals are administered, I cannot understand how some women are so willing to simply accept one . . . I also understand that in some cases they are necessary and can aid in labor, but I am so deathly afraid of needles that if it necessary for me to receive one, I have already instructed Jordan that under no circumstances am I to witness that needle! The best part of the night was when Jordan got to experience some pushing; Jennifer had him get into two different positions and instructed him to "push." This exercise was to demonstrate how a simple change of position can make pushing during labor so much easier . . . and since I may not necessarily know which position I am in, he is to be the one to change it! I don't think he was bargaining on this being as much work for him as it is turning out to be, but at the same time I think he is happy to be engaged in the process.

Work has been very busy lately; I have been training an intern to take over some of my responsibilities while I am gone, however, I have also been trying to get a lot of things accomplished now that I would typically do in June. I have scheduled a manager outing for May 28th and it is so frustrating organizing it under the premise that I may or may not actually be attending. Oh well, I just need to learn to let go of somethings and realize that the world does turn without me!


Jenni said...

I hear you on this. While I'm not excited about the epidural, I am sure that I will probably get it at some point. I'm going to go as long as possible without it and then when it becomes unbearable I will ask for it. AND just like you, I will be shutting my eyes the entire time so I don't see any evidence of that needle. I took an online birthing class and was looking at all sorts of pictures of the size of the needle. It pretty much could compare to the size of the lead in a #2 pencil. Ugh. (Which is why I am waiting as long as possible before getting the epidural - so that at the point I ask for it I will be in so much pain that I won't care what size that stinkin' needle is). ;)

Your birthing instructor sounds awesome! Keep up the blogs - I enjoy reading!

Anonymous said...

I FREAK out for needles, giving blood or anything, the nurses pretty much hated taking my blood b/c I was a baby. As I told you I was bound and determined to not have the epidural but I did. He kind of numbed my back before and it didn't hurt so much as felt uncomfortable and I still do not know what the needle looks like and would probably pass out if I did! You have to lean forward and just bury your head in the nurses chest, they pretty much make you to hold you but it doesn't take too long and then it's over, you can't breath very good though b/c you have a huge belly in front of you :) They may not let Jordan in the room or probably not next to you at all b/c I guess lots of guys pass out, I wanted Adam told hold my hand but there were too many nurses and drs. around me. Just letting you know, that me, as a 5th grader ran out of the shot place and my mom had to chase me down(and I haven't gotten much better since), I made it through it! I was sure I was going to pass out or die, but I'm here!!! And don't wait toooo long, they almost wouldn't give it to me as I was dialated and effaced so much! That's my play-by-play just fyi!

Anonymous said...

Yeah my hubby stopped going to the dr appt near the end too because they were so quick...blood pressure, weight (oh yay), and let's see....not dialating...come back later....

They made my hubby leave the room when I got my epidural and they don't even let you get a glimpse of the needle....if I do it again and labor is faster I would not get an epidural b/c they tell you to push and you feel like you are pushing, but when you have no feeling from the waist below, you are like, "I feel like I am pushing, but am I really"...i wish you a quick and painless (well..less painful is more like it) labor :)