Friday, May 23, 2008

Ripe and Ready

The countdown is on in the form of days . . . only 12 more days until Baby Kohn's due date, and, I as the impatient mama I'm hoping that he doesn't make it quite that long. We are all finished with our birthing classes . . . I think we got a passing grade! The nursery is finished and just awaiting one more thing . . . a baby! We have the bassinet up, the swing up and Jordan is painting the house this weekend so it is more welcoming. We still do not have the carseat in my car, but that problem is being taken care of as I type. I also don't have my bag for the hospital packed, but this is something I am not fretting over as we are literally 1/2 a mile or a 10 minute waddle away from the hospital, so if I were to forget something, it wouldn't be a huge deal for someone to run home and grab it for me!

This morning Jordan and I went to the doctor's office for our 38 week appointment. Eoin is ripe and ready and we are just awaiting him signally us that he is coming out . . . I'm one centimeter dialated and Dr. Weaver was able to touch the baby's head. I asked what his heart rate was and it was 164 and thinking this was kinda high I mentioned it to Dr. Weaver. She proceeded to tell me that his heart rate would be expected to go up since his space was invaded and he was surprised by someone touching his head! Jordan's eyes were as big as a saucer! Dr. Weaver informed me not to go out of town as Eoin could arrive any time, but we still made an appointment for next Friday the 30th.

Eoin has definitely dropped into place and this I am very thankful for; not only because it means that his arrival is imminent, but also because with his dropping, my heartburn has subsided. Although my esophagus would have preferred this happen a long time ago, we are both nonetheless, very appreciative. I didn't even realize that I was somewhat heartburn free until Wednesday. I have been toting around a rather large container of Rolaids and realized Wednesday that I hadn't made a dash for my purse in a day or so . . . so although I feel like a Prilosec OTC commercial . . . I am currently 4 days heartburn free and this is a great feeling! I am beginning to have more symptoms of late pregnancy though . . . my feet and ankles are usually pretty swollen by the end of the day, although I continue to wear my wedding rings they are much tighter than normal and my back kills! I want to make it through this weekend before he comes, too many people are busy . . . we have Tara and John's wedding and lots to do around the house, Grandma Brown has a busy weekend at work, Grandma and Grandpa Kohn are visiting Ashley, Nick and Aidan in Iowa, Aunt Tina and Aunt Krystal are in Florida; and I really would like to make it through one more short week of work! (yes, I'm crazy) . . . well, stay tuned . . . he's comin' soon, ready or not!


Jenni said...

Well you sound ready! Good luck - I think you are just a few days ahead of me (I'm due June 8). That is really cool that your doctor was able to touch the head! I have my 38 (and 1/2) week appt next Wed so I'll see how things are going.

Thanks also for your comment regarding my blog. Yep that definitely started it, and just everyone else too. I know they are just trying to be helpful, but when you are huge and miserable the last thing you want people telling you is that something isn't going to work, or its going to be a long time still. lol. They could at least just lie and make us feel better - haha. :)

Well good luck! Your little boy will be here very soon!

Anonymous said...

For some reason if you have to get pytocin make sure you take off your rings, because that makes you whole body swell. My ankles were the size of grapefruits after I was on that for a while waiting for Aubrey to arrive! Good luck...I check every week to see if you little one arrived!