So, I am now in the middle of my second week back at work and Eoin's first week at the babysitters. We are very lucky that Jordan's Aunt Terri will watch Eoin in her home and it is literally right down the road from our house :) It was very difficult leaving him (he is fantastic in the mornings and wakes up with a great big smile on his face) but I know he is in great hands. We also now have our routine down; it also helps that Eoin is now sleeping through the night :) Yep, that' right . . .
Saturday night, Jordan and I ventured up to Orland Park for Sandi and Ray's wedding (it was absolutely beautiful by the way, and so completely Sandi!). We were unsure of whether or not we would be staying, but decided that we just couldn't leave Eoin overnight, so we drove back to Bloomington to pick up our little prince and arrived at midnight . . . he was sleeping in the bassinet in Grandma and Grandpa's room, so we disturbed him; he grunted and groaned, but didn't wake up. When we got home, we figured that Eoin would surely be waking in a couple of hours for a feeding, so I decided to try and feed him then (about 12:45am) and he took 4oz. of a bottle but didn't wake up for any of it :) He slept through until 6:00 am!! We were elated, but cautious to celebrate too much . . . but, let the celebrations begin . . .
Sunday night, Jordan and I went over to our friends Katie and Jeff's for pizza. We were optimistic about Eoin sleeping through the night again as Lily played with Eoin enough to make him a very sleepy boy . . . we headed home, gave Eoin his nightly bath and then fed him and put him in his crib. He slept from 9:00ish until 5:00am! This may not seem like through the night for those of you who get up late, but for us it is fantastic! 8/3/08 . . . love it! He has been following this schedule now for three nights :) He wakes up at 5:00am and either Jordan or I feed him (it has been Jordan more than me, though, thanks honey:)) and then he gets to stay in bed with us until we get up. I get up at 6:30 and Eoin lies in bed while I get ready for work; once I am ready, I get him ready and we are out the door! I thought it was going to be harder than it has been as far as time wise, but it isn't too bad . . . granted, I am getting up about 2 hours before I have to be at work, so hopefully we can get things together better and I might be able to sleep until 7:00, gasp!
1 comment:
Wow I'm totally jealous that Eoin is sleeping that much during the night. Preston is still sleeping in 3 hour blocks of time, with feedings in between. Granted, he sleeps really well during those blocks. But I wish they were longer blocks. :)
Good luck with getting back to work and stuff. Sounds like you've got a great baby though so far - with the morning routine. That has got to be hard to get out the door and have everything ready that early.
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