Wednesday, September 10, 2008

3 months old!

cuddling with Daddy on the weekend . . . don't they look so much alike?

the lil' pumpkin sure does love to sleep ;)

Today Eoin is 3 months old! I can hardly believe it . . . my baby is growing up too fast . . . I'm sure I will make this statement on all of his birthdays. He is so smiley and happy and talkative these days. My favorite time of day is in the morning; before Jordan leaves for work he goes and gets Eoin and places him in the bed next to me and we snuggle for a 1/2 hour before I have to get up and get ready and then he sleeps in my spot while I get ready. He usually wakes up and then falls right back to sleep at the sound of my blowdryer. He is such a cuddler.


Jenni said...

Ah how cute! he seems like such a mild-mannered baby. love the pictures!

Ashley said...

I can't wait to see him!!!
Aunt Ashley