Since Dr. Weaver gave us the green light on Friday, Eoin has been getting cereal in the evenings and to say he loves it would be an understatement! It only took him a couple of bites to realize he loved it and his little mouth opened up at the sight of the spoon! He is growing up so quickly!
At 4 months old now I feel I should give a little update on his capabilities. Although he has rolled over a couple of times, he is not yet doing it consistently. Although one thing he is doing consistently is sleeping through the night. We have been very lucky parents; he has slept through the night since he was about 6 weeks old! He doesn't have to be asleep before we put him down now either. We can place him in his crib awake and just put his little aquarium on and he will watch it for awhile and then doze over. He will usually sleep now from about 8:30-9:00pm straight through to 7:00-7:30am.
Eoin is also grabbing and reaching for things. He reaches for things that are out of his grasp and grabs things that are within. This means everything! I was reading a flyer today while he sat in my lap and it had to be his. We were in a store and he was in the baby carrier and he was reaching and grabbing for everything on the shelves! He recognizes Jordan and I and his little head will snap around if we enter the room and he hears our voices. He also has a newfound interest in Aspen. Aspen has always loved Eoin and rarely leaves his side whenever he is at home and awake, but now Eoin is starting to love on Aspen too! He reaches for her and touches her soft fur. Although is loving on his sissy, there is no love flowing either way between his brother older Reilly.
We are getting very excited for Halloween; Eoin has tried on his costume and seemed to enjoy it very much . . .
Ok so it looks like pretty much everyone else is doing the rice cereal thing but me. LOL. I think I'm still going to hold off for a while though until he seems interested in food (watching us eat and acting like he wants some too). Maybe its because it is one less thing for me to worry about yet. :) I'm so glad that yours is loving it though. Those pictures with it all over his face are keepers for sure. He is so cute!
So guess what? We tried some rice cereal with apples the other night just because he seems to be taking a huge interest in our food, so we thought maybe he was ready. Well it went well and he liked it...but the diapers! Oh the diapers!! Can you say EWE???? LOL
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