Eoin is now 5 months old! Where does the time go? He is making developmentally making leaps and bounds. Now that he are his 5 months milestones:
- holding his own bottle! and tilting his head to be sure he is getting every last drop :)
- is now eating rice cereal every night along with carrots and bananas . . . a few more to be added to this list very soon
- he is chewing on his toes! he absolutely loves his feet and we cannot keep socks on those little piggies!
- he has the ability to roll over, but does not do it much . . .he prefers his back to his belly
- when on his belly he is pulling up at the front and kicking his back legs with fury . . . I'm assuming this means that crawling is right around the corner
- Eoin wants everything that is placed in front of him; he is contantly reaching, unfortunately everything he gets a hold of ends up in his mouth!
- His little personality has developed amazingly over the last 5 months . . . he loves seeing and meeting new people, although he plays shy by smiling and then nestling his head into his mommy's chest
- He is so ticklish . . . his tummy and his feet!
- He continues to sleep through the night! Mommy often has to wake him in the morning in order to be somewhat on time for work
Eoin continues to brighten our lives . . . he has been here a short 5 months and we could not imagine life without him. He truly is a very good baby and we are so blessed!
Awwwe what a cutie. He has done some pretty amazing accomplishments I have to say. Preston has done a lot of those too so far, but not the bottle thing. If I could only get him to take a bottle. LOL the only bottle he seems to want is my water bottle when I am drinking from it. He is always grabbing at it. It is pretty cute.
I can't wait to see more pictures!
He can actually get his toes near his mouth. Aidan tries but her belly keeps getting in the way:) Can't wait to see you guys
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