Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Belle Memoire Photography

After an awful experience with a local photographer who will remain nameless (cancelled the day of the shoot and didn't want to reschedule; I should also mention this was the month before Christmas!) Danielle Gilmore recommended to check out Kim Hewerdine and her talents . . . we are in LOVE; not only is she is the sweetest person, but the photos turned out so well! After conversation we discovered that Jordan coached her son and lots of other small coincidences . . . well, take a look at our gallery go to www.bellememoirephotography.com
then go to the website (not the blog), then clients and enter our password which is kohn2008

Eoin is SO CUTE!!!!!! Seriously, I think he is like a little baby model, even though he didn't cooperate at all . . . he was constantly turning his head away from the camera; but I guess I can't blame him, it was so cold and windy that day! I gave him very poor working conditions :) I couldn't even take his little hat off!



Tara said...
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Tara said...

Eoin is so adorable, we need to get the little guys together!

Jenni said...

Those pictures turned out so great! I love your outfits and Eoin's little shoes!! You are definitely a beautiful family. p.s. you look so good!