A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Baby New Year, Clint!
He turned the big "30" at midnight!
Happy New Year! Jordan and I were lucky to ring in the New Year amongst some great friends at Killarney's. Unfortunately, the next day we rang in a few hours of our new year in the emergency room at St. Joe's. Eoin has been fighting a cold for the last couple of days and although it wasn't awful, it wasn't getting any better despite Tylenol, increased fluids (he LOVES apple juice) and the vaporizer in his room. Of course, he seemed slightly better on Wednesday evening or mommy and daddy would not have gone anywhere! Thursday, he seemed very congested and seemed to me to be more labored in his breathing. I called the doctor for some advice and she suggested that I take him to the emergency room (unfortunately the only place open!) for a breathing treatment. Eoin was not a happy camper throughout the triage portion of our experience and during the breathing treatment was extremely unhappy. I would be lying if I said I held strong throughout the entire process; his tears broke me! The breathing treatment, as traumatizing as it was for Eoin, Jordan and I, didn't work; the doctor thought it unnecessary to test for RSV as he would treat Eoin the same regardless of such a diagnosis and started him on an oral steriod. The poor, little, worn out boy fell asleep in my arms before the steriod could be administered and so we got as much of a dose as possible into him while he slept. He appeared to be much better this morning; his breathing and voice were much more clear and he has got his appetite back. The lil' man really has been such a trooper through his first illness and E.R. visit. We are certainly hoping that the beginning of '09 is no indication of the rest of the year and instead hope for a very happy and healthy year for everyone.
love the new year pics! Eoin is such a cute little guy. Once these boys are good and healthy we are getting them together for a playdate!! Maybe we will see you this week for a workout!!
Yikes...that does not sound fun. Hopefully he gets feeling better soon.
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