me and my big boy, Birthday Prince!
I was fortunate enough to head over to Terri's house this afternoon to spend some time with my lil' birthday boy! I was prepared with Happy Meals, cupcakes and balloons to get the party started, but it was already under way! I walked in to find my Little Prince was adorning his very own birthday crown and was getting ready to cut into his birthday brownie that his cousin Sylena made especially for his special day! I'm pretty sure Eoin isn't 100% sure what is going on, but he is definitely loving all of the attention! We are so fortunate to have such great daycare arrangements, I know that he is well-loved!
OMG I can't believe Leo is GROWLING in that picture. Seriously. You'd think he was raised in a barn, which we both know is NOT TRUE.
This pictures made me weepy! He is such a cute adorable big little boy!
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