. . . Jordan and I woke up very early yesterday morning in anticipation of seeing our little peanut on a screen! We were excited to discover the gender, yes, but I was more excited to discover if everything was okay.
Friday evening I came down with an awful bout of the stomach flu. Eoin had been sick on Thursday and as I precaution I stayed home on Friday with him too. Friday night I had to run into work for a little while and the minute I got home I just didn't feel well. It was the worst! I rarely get sick like that. I was moaning and crying and just wanted to feel better. The stomach virus took everything I had from my body! I slept. Unfortunately I was woke very early with Jordan's take on the virus! We went to the doctor as soon as we could on Saturday morning. I was feeling terrible and just wanted to feel better but moreso I was worried about the baby. We left the doctor still feeling terrible, but thankfully with some Zofran in hand (anti-nausea). My mother-in-law had picked up Eoin before we left for the doctor because we were in no shape to care for him, but we also didn't want to pass it back to him! Saturday, all day, we slept! I was a little concerned about the baby, but who wouldn't be after feeling like death himself had hit me with a truck?
So. . . .after all of that, I waited patiently to be called by the ultrasound tech to see peanut. There is was, a healthy beating heart, beating away at 152bpm. We also got to see a full tummy and a full bladder, both very good indications. Jordan thought I was being silly, but I let out a huge sigh of relief! Then it was onto the other business, boy or girl? Wouldn't you know it the lil' had its legs crossed! No biggie, we had to see the doctor and so the ultrasound tech said we could come back in afterward! I had another chance. While Jordan waited for us to be called back, I ran to the closest pop machine. I was hoping the movement plus a little caffeine would jerk the baby into the 'showing the goods' position. We were called back, the doctor walked in, told us everything was fine and then walked out! So back to the ultrasound room it was.
Legs still crossed. Stubborn.
Another chance! The ultrasound tech had another patient, but she said she had time afterward if we wanted another shot! Of course we did (or I did!) So we headed out to the waiting room. I walked, squatted, jumped, urinated, drank, pushed my tummy - basically did everything and anything to get these legs uncrossed. Back into the room and the legs were still crossed! It should be stated that each time I was in the tech had me move around on the table, pushed on the baby herself and was patiently waiting for the baby to move (side note: I really need to send her a thank you). She was also unable to get some of the measurements that she needed, so we were told that another ultrasound in 4 weeks was inevitable. Incidentally all of the measurements she had already taken were great! Phew, okay, I was thinking at least we would get another chance. But I wanted to know right then. My phone continuously 'dinged' with text messages from other people anxiously awaiting the result! The tech was so incredibly patient, she asked if I wanted to go and get something to eat and come back in awhile. I reluctantly said no, explaining that I should get to work. She gave the baby another chance. I needed to use the facilities, so she would try again after that.
After using the facilities, jumping around and pushing my tummy all in a matter of 2 seconds, I headed back to the room where Jordan was waiting. This was it, it had to be it! As I held my breath, I could blatantly make out crossed legs! We certainly had a determined ultrasound technician, though, she worked and worked at getting the angle just right so she could give us a definite answer.
At one point she stopped, I looked at her face and I knew that she knew. She confirmed my suspicion with a smirk.
We will be having a stubborn little BOY!!!!
I am so happy I found out! I truly believed that I was having a girl. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT disappointed, I'm absolutely thrilled. I get to have two little men! Eoin gets to have a little brother. Jordan will be the proud daddy of two little boys! My shock has subsided and my bonding with my little man has begun!