Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!


Eoin and Grandma Lisa

Eoin and Daddy

Eoin and Grandma's neighbor/Eoin's friend Aidan

Trick or Treating for the first time at Drew and Nicole's house

This was the first house Eoin walked up to by himself (we were very close behind)

Look he is such a big boy!

on a mission for candy!

waiting with Daddy

Trick or treating with the pretty Uhren girls!

flying down the sidewalk!

knocking all by himself! He looks absolutely thrilled

Eoin and Henry, his adorable classmate

Eoin enjoyed handing out the candy moreso that receiving it!

Yesterday was one of my favorite 'holidays.' October 31st was rang in with lots of fun! This was the first year that Eoin actively participated in trick or treating. After running some treat bags over to our neighbor children and a good nap, we headed over to Mama and Papa Kohn's for a feast of chili and some trick or treating. Eoin was truly the hit of the party and kept me laughing the entire time!

Eoin was a trooper trick or treating, hitting first the houses where we knew people, he wanted to continue. It was a little cold for me, so I headed back to the house while Jordan and Eoin continued the hunt for free candy. Eoin made the cutest out of the million Buzz Lightyears that were out this year. He really loved his costume and I have a feeling it will be difficult to keep him from wearing it in the coming months.

After trick or treating, Eoin was just as entertained by the hoards of trick or treaters that rang the doorbell. Each time he heard the bell or a knock, he would exclaim, "oooohhh, who's that?" and run to the door! He may have played the 'one for you, one for me' game whilst giving away candy. This game may or may not have led to a sugar high that kept me (and much of the rest of the house) laughing for a long time! My favorite "Eoin-ism" of the night was while he was playing in his playroom, Auntie Erin and I crept downstairs to scare him. Erin shouted 'rawr' and frightened Eoin, he screamed and then said, "I pooped!" Hilarious!

It was a long, but fun-filled weekend!

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