
Sunday afternoon it occurred to me that perhaps Eoin would have more of a grasp of the baby in mommy's tummy if he actually got to see it! So we began asking if he would like to go to the doctor with mommy and daddy to see his baby brother the next morning. He, of course, wanted to go. We had another ultrasound so that all measurements could be taken - the baby is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! We woke up Monday morning and I asked Eoin if he was ready for school. He promptly demanded that he wasn't going to school, he was going to see his baby brother! I am amazed at how he remembers things now - you can't promise him anything you won't deliver on anymore. At the doctor's office he chowed on some fruit snacks while waiting for Tori, the ultrasound tech, to call us back.
The ultrasound was magical, I teared up! Jordan held Eoin up so he could get a better look. The baby waved at Eoin, Eoin waved back! He said, that's my baby brother. We are so incredibly lucky to have one beautiful, healthy, smiling boy and from the looks of this last ultrasound everything is gearing towards having two! TWO?! Not sure how we got so lucky, but we're definitely thankful! Our ultrasound tech printed out Eoin his very own picture of his baby brother and he was able to take it to school. Upon entering the classroom, he showed it off to his teachers and classmates - he is going to be the best big brother. He asked me on Monday night if he could hold his baby brother and I had to tell him he had to wait until April until the baby comes out, but needless to say we are all anxious to hold the peanut!
Side note: Very close friends of ours, The Mavros' just found out that their next delivery will be a little boy! We are thrilled! We couldn't have planned this better (and some planning may or may not have ensued ;)), not only will our little peanuts be born within 3 weeks of each other, but they are both boys! I'm so excited to be going through this pregnancy with an amazing friend and can't wait to share in the excitement of our little boys' lives!
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