Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Eoin continues to amaze me with how much he picks up; he knows every single type of vehicle and equipment and points each piece out! Instead of simply saying 'truck' he will say 'tow truck' or 'plow truck' or 'that truck has a trailer.' He is one smart little cookie.

He has his grandparents wrapped around his little finger and loves spending the night with Mama and Papa Kohn on Mondays. Yesterday, I received an email update from Grandma Kohn giving me a rundown of his evening and morning and within the email was another true 'Eoin-ism.' I simply had to post for fear of forgetting:
"He was...once again...perfect last night. Dean asked him this A.M...."Eoin, do you know how much joy you bring into this house?" He smiled and said yea.....He ate pancakes and had 2 glasses of milk. Had a total blow-out in a pull-up...that was fun....and we played till 9pm with his semi hauling cars all over the basement. He got up at 6:30 because Abby was barking and he says to me ..."Grandma....why is dog talking?'"

So cute, right?! He couldn't think of the word 'barking!'

Last week, I slid on a patch of ice, cracking the rim on my tire, rendering my car not drivable until fixed; Eoin must have heard Jordan and I discussing this. Anyway, he and Jordan were invited to go to an ISU game with Papa Kohn as Mama Kohn was in Florida; he turned to me and said 'you can't go, you broke your car!' Jordan and I were in hysterics, it just came out of nowhere!

Since Grandma Kohn was in Florida, I was able to borrow her car while mine was getting fixed (a huge thanks!). This confused Eoin quite a bit, and he kept asking why we were driving Mama's car. I explained to him that Mama was in Florida and without skipping a beat he asked, 'They have toys in Florida?' Spoiled? nah!

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