Friday, July 22, 2011


Eoin has had a few dousies this week!  Asking him a question usually results in a chuckle!
  • "Are you wearing your backyardigan?"  (my cardigan!)  I have to admit that I have grabbed a cardigan almost everyday this week in order to hear him say this!  It cracks me up, and no, I don't correct him!
  • "Hello, Jordan!" This was stated upon Jordan answering the phone while it played through the car on bluetooth.
  • "G'night, Daddy.  Go color in your box!, haha"  Okay, this one requires a little background knowledge.  The Moose classroom at Little Jewels is on a merit system.  The child begins the day 'on green.'  If they misbehave they get a warning, therefore they are 'on yellow.'  If they are really misbehaving, they get sent to the office and are 'on red.'  If they are 'on green' for the day, at the end of the day, they get to color in a square on a chart next to their name.  If they get five squares colored in, they get to pick out a small prize.  Eoin has been lusting over a Caterpillar back hoe (when did I start saying statement like this!  the sad thing is I actually know what it is!) and Jordan promised him one if he got all his squares colored in for the week.  Well two nights ago, when preparing for bed, Jordan and Eoin were talking about just this.  Jordan misspoke and told Eoin that if he got all his 'boxes' colored in, he could get his toy.  Eoin cracked up!  'Boxes?, haha!  They're not boxes, Daddy, they're squares!'  You would've thought Jordan was a comedian the way Eoin was laughing.  The statement above is what Eoin told Jordan as Jordan was leaving the bedroom.  He's a little smarty pants!

1 comment:

natalie said...

:: these are hilarious!