Monday, November 19, 2007

Bumpity bump

(10 weeks, 2 days!)

Well folks, here it is . . . a belly picture and I am definitely not "showing" but I am definitely rounder and more full in the middle than I was was; there is more than a little somethin' there! Jordan is loving it and keeps saying how it is forming into a perfect "pregnant" belly!

Grandma and Grandpa Kohn were very generous to purchase our nursery furniture for us and the crib has already arrived. I can hardly wait to start decorating a nursery, but I am going to have to wait until at least January to start making more purchases as that is when the gender can be determined. It is very very difficult for this shopper at heart to restrain herself from making purchases at this point; it has taken every ounce of my will to not make frivolous purchases, but so far I have been great (it also helps when you don't have much time or energy to shop).

On the craving side it has been nothing but CANDY! I have made meals of candy, I know it isn't the greatest thing, but sometimes I just can't help it . . . I even bribed Jessi into bringing me over some Mamba's on Saturday night!! So, if you're visiting or I'm visiting you make sure you have something sweet on hand!

Also, one more thing . . . although we're not sure on the gender, we've been playing around with names already (this is what parents-to-be do, from day one!) if you think of any interesting names, or family names please let us know.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Processing Nicely!

Good morning! Nine and half weeks and "processing nicely" as Jordan would say!

Yesterday, November 13, we had our second doctor's appointment. Unfortunately Dr. Weaver was ill and so we had a lovely nurse help us out (with new babies and preggo mommies we are glad Dr. Weaver stayed home!). Jordan made it home from work on time to go to the appointment and we were very pleased as we got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Our first scheduled appointment was too early to hear anything, although we did get to see him or her! It was strong and rapid beat and the nurse said it was between 160 and 170 beats per minute! Very healthy and great news for a very nervous mommy. We might have a little soccer player on our hands, by the way, as before the nurse could detect the heartbeat she was certain she heard him or her kicking around.

As far as how I am feeling I am happy to say that my all day nausea has subsided and I only feel like running for the nearest trash can when I am hungry, so as long as I keep filling my face I feel fine! haha The nurse confirmed this yesterday as she said morning sickness is most likely to come on with an empty stomach . . . and I don't seem to have any problem not letting it get empty. I am not sure if this is because I enjoy eating or I really don't want to feel sick; either way due to my new eating habits I had fully expected to gain more than the 3 ounces that I have since my last appointment. The nurse assured Jordan that this was fine and that some women gain weight in the beginning while others (me!) gain it a little later, but it all works out in the end. I am just pleased at the possiblity of wearing regular clothes for awhile. While shopping with Grandma Kohn this weekend I tried on a cute shirt and she made me push out a belly before putting her seal of approval on the purchase, it was fun!

Grandma Kohn was a lifesaver also, as she helped me out by finishing up the tree I had to design for the Baby Fold's annual fundraiser, the Festival of Trees, so I could run with Jordan to our appointment! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. I can only imagine how amazing of a grandma she will be and our child will be so lucky to have two wonderful, caring grandmas! There are so many people anticipating his or her entrance into this world. Big cousin McKaylah constantly wanders around with an ultrasound picture and has even been known to fall asleep with her tiny little fist wrapped out the picture. I am not sure that she knows what it in the picture for sure, but she has been told and seems excited that there is a baby in Auntie Ciarra's tummy.

We were hoping to have a "belly picture" up by now, but unfortunately our camera has decided to go on the fritz. We will hopefully have the situation alleviated shortly and post my growing belly (I swear although I haven't gained weight, it has definitely shifted!).

Our next doctor's appointment is scheduled for December 11th.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Jordan and I are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming a new addition to our family in June!!!!! With a due date of June 15th, we are going to have a little living legacy of our wedding night and we couldn't be happier! I am currently ending my 7th week of pregnancy and although I have been told I am no bigger and thankfully am still fitting into a 6, I feel bloated and yucky much of the time! We had our first doctor's appointment on October 19th that confirmed what we were already very sure of and we actually had our first ultrasound. Although the baby was too young to hear a heartbeat, we already have the first candid shots of what might just be the most photographed baby on Earth (move over Brad and Angelina's clan!) Although my superstitious side would prefer that we not be announcing our good news for another couple of weeks, our little bundle has the most proud daddy in the world and he could not wait to start spreading the news . . . our first announcment was to Grandma and Grandpa Kohn who displayed their excitement so loudly, Abbey started howling! I'm pretty sure she was very excited too! Grandma Brown was shown our ultrasound picture and took a minute to figure out the good news (Aunt Kelly's psychic side already had suspicions as she had called me the day we found out and announced to Jordan and I that we were pregnant!). Everyone is very anxious for May and June as the family will grow quite a bit, with the first grandchildren for the Kohn's due meer weeks from each other . . . they will be so close. Jordan and I are very lucky to have cousins so close in age that we are great friends with and we are delighted that our child will experience the same!

I have learned a lot in the weeks we have discovered we are pregnant. Morning sickness to me feels more like a day long hangover with extreme nausea lasting all day and constipation (sorry, tmi); however, I don't mind feeling so badly knowing why I feel so yucky. Jordan has been fantastic! He runs to Walgreens to get me whatever I need (that I can take) to feel better and has established a nightly ritual of presenting me in bed with my prenatal vitamin and a glass of water. He has been helping out around the house without complaint and is basically the perfect husband (a little overprotective a times by not letting me have too many diet cokes, but he is looking out for me!). I am very lucky!

Well, we will definitely keep everyone posted in the months to come . . . belly pictures, etc.