Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Processing Nicely!

Good morning! Nine and half weeks and "processing nicely" as Jordan would say!

Yesterday, November 13, we had our second doctor's appointment. Unfortunately Dr. Weaver was ill and so we had a lovely nurse help us out (with new babies and preggo mommies we are glad Dr. Weaver stayed home!). Jordan made it home from work on time to go to the appointment and we were very pleased as we got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Our first scheduled appointment was too early to hear anything, although we did get to see him or her! It was strong and rapid beat and the nurse said it was between 160 and 170 beats per minute! Very healthy and great news for a very nervous mommy. We might have a little soccer player on our hands, by the way, as before the nurse could detect the heartbeat she was certain she heard him or her kicking around.

As far as how I am feeling I am happy to say that my all day nausea has subsided and I only feel like running for the nearest trash can when I am hungry, so as long as I keep filling my face I feel fine! haha The nurse confirmed this yesterday as she said morning sickness is most likely to come on with an empty stomach . . . and I don't seem to have any problem not letting it get empty. I am not sure if this is because I enjoy eating or I really don't want to feel sick; either way due to my new eating habits I had fully expected to gain more than the 3 ounces that I have since my last appointment. The nurse assured Jordan that this was fine and that some women gain weight in the beginning while others (me!) gain it a little later, but it all works out in the end. I am just pleased at the possiblity of wearing regular clothes for awhile. While shopping with Grandma Kohn this weekend I tried on a cute shirt and she made me push out a belly before putting her seal of approval on the purchase, it was fun!

Grandma Kohn was a lifesaver also, as she helped me out by finishing up the tree I had to design for the Baby Fold's annual fundraiser, the Festival of Trees, so I could run with Jordan to our appointment! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. I can only imagine how amazing of a grandma she will be and our child will be so lucky to have two wonderful, caring grandmas! There are so many people anticipating his or her entrance into this world. Big cousin McKaylah constantly wanders around with an ultrasound picture and has even been known to fall asleep with her tiny little fist wrapped out the picture. I am not sure that she knows what it in the picture for sure, but she has been told and seems excited that there is a baby in Auntie Ciarra's tummy.

We were hoping to have a "belly picture" up by now, but unfortunately our camera has decided to go on the fritz. We will hopefully have the situation alleviated shortly and post my growing belly (I swear although I haven't gained weight, it has definitely shifted!).

Our next doctor's appointment is scheduled for December 11th.


Nicole said...

I'm a little behind in posting a comment, but I just wanted to say I am sooo excited for the two of you!! Believe it or not, Ciarra, I'm excited too. I've been already looking for baby clothes. Regardless if it's a boy or girl..the baby is definitely going to own some Bears' apparel :)

Let me know if you need anything or need an eating partner. I could use an excuse to indulge!

Ciarra M. Kohn said...

I already have a little Bears hat for the baby thanks to Aunt Jessi . . . one thing is for sure, I will be raising a Bears fan!!! Now the baseball team is up in the air at the minute . . .

Grace Brown said...

I am so glad the appointment went well and both of you got to hear the heart beat, it is a wonderful thing. I am glad that you are feeling better and do not be suprised if you do not put on that much weight as I only put on 91/2 lbs with you. I'm so excited and can not wait until June. Love all three of you.

Ciarra M. Kohn said...

oh mom, you are so sweet, but don't let this initial weigh in fool you; I will be a house come June!