Thursday, November 1, 2007


Jordan and I are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming a new addition to our family in June!!!!! With a due date of June 15th, we are going to have a little living legacy of our wedding night and we couldn't be happier! I am currently ending my 7th week of pregnancy and although I have been told I am no bigger and thankfully am still fitting into a 6, I feel bloated and yucky much of the time! We had our first doctor's appointment on October 19th that confirmed what we were already very sure of and we actually had our first ultrasound. Although the baby was too young to hear a heartbeat, we already have the first candid shots of what might just be the most photographed baby on Earth (move over Brad and Angelina's clan!) Although my superstitious side would prefer that we not be announcing our good news for another couple of weeks, our little bundle has the most proud daddy in the world and he could not wait to start spreading the news . . . our first announcment was to Grandma and Grandpa Kohn who displayed their excitement so loudly, Abbey started howling! I'm pretty sure she was very excited too! Grandma Brown was shown our ultrasound picture and took a minute to figure out the good news (Aunt Kelly's psychic side already had suspicions as she had called me the day we found out and announced to Jordan and I that we were pregnant!). Everyone is very anxious for May and June as the family will grow quite a bit, with the first grandchildren for the Kohn's due meer weeks from each other . . . they will be so close. Jordan and I are very lucky to have cousins so close in age that we are great friends with and we are delighted that our child will experience the same!

I have learned a lot in the weeks we have discovered we are pregnant. Morning sickness to me feels more like a day long hangover with extreme nausea lasting all day and constipation (sorry, tmi); however, I don't mind feeling so badly knowing why I feel so yucky. Jordan has been fantastic! He runs to Walgreens to get me whatever I need (that I can take) to feel better and has established a nightly ritual of presenting me in bed with my prenatal vitamin and a glass of water. He has been helping out around the house without complaint and is basically the perfect husband (a little overprotective a times by not letting me have too many diet cokes, but he is looking out for me!). I am very lucky!

Well, we will definitely keep everyone posted in the months to come . . . belly pictures, etc.


Aunt Katrina said...

Hi Ciarra and Jordan and of course baby Kohn! Im so happy to hear your wonderful news and the fact that I am going to be a great aunt again (doesn't make me feel old at all...yeah right) I wish you great health and happiness over the coming months and beyond of course. Love you lots & lots xxxxxx

Krystal said...

We just added you to our favorites so that we can check back often! Can't wait to see some pictures!

Julia said...

Love you guys!!! My hope is to keep Momma Ciarra as fit as possible for the WHOLE pregnancy!!! Oh and I am going to buy a book on good workouts so we can focus on whatever is going to make labor easy!!! Love you both!!! (and baby Kohn too!!)


LISAKOHN said...

I've got to admit, this was the first time I've seen in print Grandma and Grandpa was a little overwhelming, but I am sooo ready....Dean and I have been so blessed to have not one, but two grandbabies on the way! We have a wonderful new daughter, Ciarra and a wonderful new son, Nick and are looking forward to two amazing KOHN additions!

Grace Brown said...

I am so exicted for myself and Ciarra & Jordan, (a new Baby). I feel so blessed that my family is growing and I can not wait to have them all around me. This baby has captured our hearts already. Kelly is so excited about having a new neice or nephew and a little cousin for McKaylah.

Auntie Donna said...

WOW!!! What the heck, no sense in waiting. I don't know what it is (since we aren't blood related), but we woman sure are a fertile bunch. I am so happy for you (as is Uncle Hugh) or I guess that's Great Aunt and Uncle. But we knew that already, right??? You will have more memories than you know what to do with, but enjoy every moment. I never had the morning sickness (on any of the 3) so I can't relate to that. But you have a great husband to get you through. Love to all 3 of you.
PS Grandma Brown sounds funny.

Auntie Kelly said...

Jordan and Ciarra I am so excited for you both! You two are going to be amazing parents( because you have me to look up to, j/k)! I wish the best for you two and my little baby on the way. And McKaylah will be so excited when her new little cousin arrives a new little person for her to play with! We wish you three all the best! And if you need anything remember I am here for you! Love you both so much! Auntie Kelly and big cousin McKaylah xoxxo