Thursday, August 14, 2008

2 month check up!

My son is the baby version of George Kastanza (Seinfeld flashback:))
Eoin and I ventured to Dr. Weaver's yesterday for his 2 month well baby check up. Everything is very well . . . he weighed in at a whopping 14lbs (90th percentile) and measured 22.5 inches (25th percentile) . . . Dr. Weaver and I had a quick giggle as if he were a grown man with these percentiles he would 5'6" and 220lbs! This paired with his cute little hairline makes him very George-like :) Not to worry, these don't mean too much at this age and I think that Eoin is much more handsome that George; Jordan is just worried we may have a lineman rather than a linebacker :)
Nevertheless, he is very heathly and we couldn't ask for more; he is so alert and aware and happy! He truly is a very content little baby boy :) He was very good for his shots and I didn't shed quite as many tears as last time . . . just to be sure everything was alright with our lil' man, Grandma Kohn watched him instead of sending him to Aunt Terri's. I was very grateful as were were unsure how he would react to his shots, but he was fine; a little sleepy and he snacked on bottles, therefore waking at 3:00 am and then again at 5:30, but we expected it to be much worse.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Wow your little man is in the 90%? Thats great - glad he is so healthy! Preston doesn't have his "2 month" checkup for another week. But we weighed him on our scale at home yesterday and he was 13 lbs. Who knows, by the time he goes to his appt he might be 14 lbs too!

Did Eoin get all his shots at once? I'm so nervous about that. Last time Preston got a shot he was seriously cranky for 3 days and was soooo hard to get happy.