Jordan and I are so incredibly lucky!!! We had a wonderful Christmas thanks to be surrounded by our great families and to also have each other!!!!
The Christmas celebrating began December 15th with The Kohn Family Christmas. We had a delicious dinner at an Italian restuarant, Beningo's, followed by dessert at Tina and Krystal's homestead. Their new home is absolutely beautiful and the desserts were very tasty . . . who can forget the "sampler platter!"
On Christmas Eve, Jordan and I went to mass at St. Mary's and met Grandma and Grandpa Kohn and Erin. We were unfortunately not early enough to secure a seat (and I don't look pregnant enough for someone to give on up!) so we stood in the back of the church with all the parents of the loud children and infants. Wow . . . let's just say after that experience, thankfully I am already pregnant, or it might not have happened for awhile. Afterwards we went to Jordan's aunt Dawn's for a Christmas Eve celebration with the O'Brien side of the family. The food and company was great! We even got to talk to Jordan's aunt Terri who is in line for daycare at the minute.
Christmas morning we woke up and exchanged presents with each other. Jordan spoils me and, among other things, gifted me with a beautiful Isabel Bloom figurine that was titled "Love at First Sight." It portrayed a mother holding a baby. I can only imagine that it will be love at first sight for both of us! My gift to Jordan was not quite as thoughtful, but hey, every laborer needs a new pair of work boots? Right?
We went to Jordan's parents for breakfast and to open presents. Tina and Krystal also stopped by on their way the Champaign! We were absolutely showered with gifts. Some of our favorites included new porch lights (look for their appearance in the Spring!), a fire pit, a cute Bolero jacket, casual clothes for Jordan (that he is forbidden to wear to work!) and a personalized plate. Baby Kohn was not left out and received a soft little lamb that plays soothing sounds. Also getting ready for baby Tina and Krystal presented me with a beautiful diaper bag! The fun part is that I got to pick out all the fabric and colors!
From Jordan's parents we made the trek (or zoom, as Jordan made it in 2 hours and 15 minutes . . . ) to Lake Villa to see Grandma Brown, Auntie Miriam, Kelly, Tim and, of course, McKaylah!! The day was beautiful and began with another showering of gifts . . . our favorites there were tools for Jordan, my Ugg slippers (bound to come in handy with those late night trips to the baby's room), perfume, a unique painting, and clothes! We also received a cute Christmas ornament for the baby . . . he or she is not even here yet and is already receiving many gifts. McKaylah entertained us most of the day . . . she is so adorable and funny! She now can go to the freezer, get out the ice cream, go the the pantry, get out the cones and present it to someone so they fix her an icecream cone. Jordan just thought this was genius and so they sat together and ate an icecream cone. Of course, she got many Christmas gifts, but her favorite seemed to be a little Mickey Mouse snow globe, she treated it like a baby doll and cracked us all up! She is going to have so much fun helping her little cousin get into trouble, I can see it now!
Since Jordan had to leave early on Wednesday morning for a hunting trip, we left Lake Villa around 9:00pm to head for home, but had a wonderful time. Jordan left early on Wednesday for Arkansas for a hunting trip with his friend Eric. He was there for this birthday yesterday, but will return tonight. These have been our first nights apart since our wedding and although it was difficult for me to fall asleep both nights, they went smoothly, but I am very excited to see him tonight when he arrives home!
It was definitely strange to think that next Christmas we will have a baby! We are so excited and Jordan and discussed how we would get to buy "Santa" presents next year!