Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Cookie Friday

Maternity leave has been fabulous but certainly not without its busy points.  My days are usually spent catching up on some of the missed sleep from the night before, cleaning, laundry and errands.  We have kept Eoin at Little Jewels every day to keep him in the routine that we have established there, but also so that I can get some one-on-one with Liam.  I am spoiled to be able to have this.  Each morning we trek out of the house to drop Eoin off and it is sort of the beginning to our day.  Around 4:00pm we start preparing to go and get Eoin.  He is usually thrilled to see 'the baby' and I!  He is a great big brother and I know some mornings he would rather stay home with us and so we laze around until he is ready.  I learned my lesson on keeping him home when he wore me out by going to the zoo, the park and the Playland at McDonald's all before lunch.  Let's just say I was wore out and he was still raring to go!  Each Friday at Little Jewels  has 'Cookie Friday' and while each child leaves they can get a warm, freshly baked cookie!  It is certainly one of Eoin's favorite days of the week . . . looking at this face, even though Friday's while on maternity leave have a little bit of a different feeling, you can't help but smile from ear to ear either! 

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