Sunday, September 23, 2012

5 years!

Five years ago we became The Kohns!  No longer individuals braving the world, we became a team.  We've added a couple of players and we're on a pretty strong winning streak (enough of the analogy!).

 Five years ago . . .

The Kohns, established September 22nd, 2007 . . . 

Jordan and I celebrated our anniversary with an intimate picnic for two at the Mackinaw Valley Winery.  It was EXACTLY what I wanted (I explained I wanted a quiet dinner where I could drink wine and not worry about anything).  Since the five year tradiational gift is wood, Jordan and I settled on our dining room ceiling as our gift to each other, although since he did all the manual labor, it is definitely more of a gift to me! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Do you know what this means?

The boat in the driveway can only mean one thing . . . hunting season is right around the corner! 

We came home to it there yesterday afternoon and Eoin could hardly wait to get out of the car.  He is alligator fishing in the picture above.  Liam, although new to the 'hunting boat experience' was walking around it like a little pro - he has to do anything and everything his big brother does! 

Side note:  This morning while snuggling in bed, Eoin sat up and exclaimed "Get me Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, please."  Liam was lying down and popped right up and said "pease!" Jordan and I just laughed!  He is so stinkin' cute!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The things they say . . .

I used to title my posts of this nature "Eoin says," but now I have two very vocal little men in my life!  Liam has been talking up a storm in the recent weeks.  His vocabulary has taken off and in hopes of remembering some of those mumblings here we go :)
Purple, Blue and Yellow! Some of the more difficult colors to say in my mind, but hearing him sound out the two syllables in 'purple' melts my heart!

Hockey, Eoin, Mama, Dada, Ball, Book, Walk, Papa, Banana, Nana, Grandma . . . hey if a kid wants any of his favorite things, he usually has to vocalize them! 

He is starting to put the words together and the sweetest words we have heard him say are definitely "I love you!"  ... sometimes followed by "uh oh" :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Goodbye week{end}

This past week was quite a busy one for our little family.  It appears that fall is creeping into the air and activities have begun and life is just back into a routine that summer lacks. 

Eoin began the week with a nasty little illness that we finally got defined as pneumonia by Friday.  The pneumonia diagnosis came on the downswing of the illness so he wasn't slowed down too much!  Eoin's activities are at an all time high as of this week and while it will be a little hectic for a couple of weeks, he really really enjoys every minute of organized activites and is quite the little team leader!  On Tuesday's he swims, Wednesday plays soccer and Saturday morning consists of hockey once again.  Hockey will become a twice a week thing come October and we are looking forward to our little athlete actually taking part in games! 

As for Liam, there are few things this child loves more than a book; one of the few things he loves more is his blankie that is never far away!  He is constantly reading to himself, pulling out books, and flipping throught the pages - these are just a couple of the pictures I took of him this week and he rarely looks up!  In the first picture he is playing with a no-longer-in-service phone and he has become quite the mimicker.  He walks around saying 'allo?' It is truly very sweet!  He is also very proud of his new shoes he is sporting in the first picture.  Eoin has the big boy version and the run very fast in their new, bright shoes (or so Eoin tells me!). 

We are so blessed to have very sweet little men.  This weekend was a somewhat low-key weekend.  Besides a race on Saturday morning and knowing we would be spending some time with Nicole on Saturday, the weekend was virtually unplanned.  We fit in some park time and a walk on Sunday along with breakfast and snuggles.   Although there is rarely a dull moment with two little boys, we really are learning to soak it all in while we can because it all goes by way to quickly! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mom Win!

We have had a crazy week.  Getting back into a routine after Labor Day proved difficult and my house has been 'under construction' for about 2 months and it is finally coming to a head!  (really it is just the dining room, but it spreads everywhere, like my dining room table in my living room, etc.).  This weekend we had nothing on the agenda and thank goodness because both the boys were rather sick. 

Saturday morning began with me waiting for a medical supply shop to open so I could get a nebulizer for Eoin.  When I got back (2 hours later, no nebulizer, but grocery shopping complete!) I got Eoin set up on the couch for a day of rest.  It is so difficult to explain to a sick little 4 year old that lying on the couch all day is not a punishment - also, the difference between 4 and 29, I would give an arm to lie on the couch all day!  After a few shows of the tried and trusted Disney Jr. On Demand, I browsed through a few other 'Kids' channels and found . . . FIREMAN SAM! 

Eoin watch Fireman Sam almost the entire flight home from Ireland.  Several weeks later he asked about it; I blew it off hoping he would forget and thinking how difficult getting the shows might be, but explained that perhaps he could get a few DVDs for Christmas.  I was astounded that Sprout had the shows (only 4 and they are 11 minutes long!) but really I shouldn't be!  He was very happy to watch them most of the day.  The funny thing is, it is definitely a British show, they even have difficult to understand Welsh accents and yet, Eoin LOVES it.  I was so happy something so simply made my sick, little man's day!  Mom Win :)