Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The things they say . . .

I used to title my posts of this nature "Eoin says," but now I have two very vocal little men in my life!  Liam has been talking up a storm in the recent weeks.  His vocabulary has taken off and in hopes of remembering some of those mumblings here we go :)
Purple, Blue and Yellow! Some of the more difficult colors to say in my mind, but hearing him sound out the two syllables in 'purple' melts my heart!

Hockey, Eoin, Mama, Dada, Ball, Book, Walk, Papa, Banana, Nana, Grandma . . . hey if a kid wants any of his favorite things, he usually has to vocalize them! 

He is starting to put the words together and the sweetest words we have heard him say are definitely "I love you!"  ... sometimes followed by "uh oh" :)

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