Friday, December 28, 2007

Ho hO Ho

Jordan and I are so incredibly lucky!!! We had a wonderful Christmas thanks to be surrounded by our great families and to also have each other!!!!

The Christmas celebrating began December 15th with The Kohn Family Christmas. We had a delicious dinner at an Italian restuarant, Beningo's, followed by dessert at Tina and Krystal's homestead. Their new home is absolutely beautiful and the desserts were very tasty . . . who can forget the "sampler platter!"

On Christmas Eve, Jordan and I went to mass at St. Mary's and met Grandma and Grandpa Kohn and Erin. We were unfortunately not early enough to secure a seat (and I don't look pregnant enough for someone to give on up!) so we stood in the back of the church with all the parents of the loud children and infants. Wow . . . let's just say after that experience, thankfully I am already pregnant, or it might not have happened for awhile. Afterwards we went to Jordan's aunt Dawn's for a Christmas Eve celebration with the O'Brien side of the family. The food and company was great! We even got to talk to Jordan's aunt Terri who is in line for daycare at the minute.

Christmas morning we woke up and exchanged presents with each other. Jordan spoils me and, among other things, gifted me with a beautiful Isabel Bloom figurine that was titled "Love at First Sight." It portrayed a mother holding a baby. I can only imagine that it will be love at first sight for both of us! My gift to Jordan was not quite as thoughtful, but hey, every laborer needs a new pair of work boots? Right?

We went to Jordan's parents for breakfast and to open presents. Tina and Krystal also stopped by on their way the Champaign! We were absolutely showered with gifts. Some of our favorites included new porch lights (look for their appearance in the Spring!), a fire pit, a cute Bolero jacket, casual clothes for Jordan (that he is forbidden to wear to work!) and a personalized plate. Baby Kohn was not left out and received a soft little lamb that plays soothing sounds. Also getting ready for baby Tina and Krystal presented me with a beautiful diaper bag! The fun part is that I got to pick out all the fabric and colors!

From Jordan's parents we made the trek (or zoom, as Jordan made it in 2 hours and 15 minutes . . . ) to Lake Villa to see Grandma Brown, Auntie Miriam, Kelly, Tim and, of course, McKaylah!! The day was beautiful and began with another showering of gifts . . . our favorites there were tools for Jordan, my Ugg slippers (bound to come in handy with those late night trips to the baby's room), perfume, a unique painting, and clothes! We also received a cute Christmas ornament for the baby . . . he or she is not even here yet and is already receiving many gifts. McKaylah entertained us most of the day . . . she is so adorable and funny! She now can go to the freezer, get out the ice cream, go the the pantry, get out the cones and present it to someone so they fix her an icecream cone. Jordan just thought this was genius and so they sat together and ate an icecream cone. Of course, she got many Christmas gifts, but her favorite seemed to be a little Mickey Mouse snow globe, she treated it like a baby doll and cracked us all up! She is going to have so much fun helping her little cousin get into trouble, I can see it now!

Since Jordan had to leave early on Wednesday morning for a hunting trip, we left Lake Villa around 9:00pm to head for home, but had a wonderful time. Jordan left early on Wednesday for Arkansas for a hunting trip with his friend Eric. He was there for this birthday yesterday, but will return tonight. These have been our first nights apart since our wedding and although it was difficult for me to fall asleep both nights, they went smoothly, but I am very excited to see him tonight when he arrives home!

It was definitely strange to think that next Christmas we will have a baby! We are so excited and Jordan and discussed how we would get to buy "Santa" presents next year!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bumpity Bump 2

This is me and my belly at 16 weeks and 3 days . . . looking like a chub! Please also excuse the fact these are taken rather late at night for me, granted late for me is like 8:03pm . . . Anyways, hope everyone is ready and enjoying the holiday season. I, like most men I know, have not completed my shopping and will be making mad dashes to complete everything.

The little pangs of pain aside, the pregnancy is going very well. I eat everything in sight. Sunday dinner at Jordan's parents was a testament to this, my appetite was almost embarrassing . . . it didn't help that it was delicious, but I could have licked my plate!!!!! I am obviously beginning to look more pregnant and for comfort sake, caved in a bought some maternity pants!!! I bought a pair of jeans from Motherhood that have a seamless "secret belly." I don't think I am ever going back to "normal" jeans and might make everyone try these on! I also bought a pair of black pants and khaki corduroys from Old Navy. These are still big, however, I don't think I will be gaining weight where they are big, so it looks like a return is in order . . . for some reason the manufacturers of maternity pants thinks that only women with huge butts get pregnant or that pregnant women gain in the front and the back!

Anyways, Jordan and I would just like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season! May you have a Merry Christmas and may all your wishes for the New Year come true! There are great things to come in 2008. . .

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A boulder out of a stone

Well, we had our first (and hopefully last) trip to the E.R. on Friday night. Everything is fine but being pregnant, certain precautions are obviously taken and it turns out that instead of a mountain out of amole hill, we made a boulder out of stone, this will make sense in about 3 minutes.

Anyways, I was working at C.J.'s on Friday night, trucking away making those extra dollars when suddenly I felt a sharp, shrill pain on my left side, just above my hip bone. It hurt so badly I had to grab the corner of the cooler to prevent my self from falling. It came and went, but startled me all the same! Well, I thought that it had gone, but it continued for awhile and the pain continued to get stronger (a.k.a. unbearable!). I had not eaten dinner yet and self diagnosed that I needed to eat as everything seems to be related to food with me these days! Well, I ate some dinner (a grilled cheese with tomato to be exact, I know you were asking yourself!) and ate it incredibly quickly trying to make the pain go away all this time gritting my teeth from the pain. It did not subside. I went to the bathroom. Came back. Still in pain. Went to the bathroom again at this point I was brought to tears by the pain and knew I could not leave the bathroom. I called Jordan and he said to call the dr. From my new position in the bathroom I also called the hostess to let her know where I was and what was going on (actually it was more like, please come back here right now!). We got through to a dr. on call who suggested that I go to the emergency room. Right. We were on our way . . .

We checked into Bromen's emergency room at 8:07p.m. I was seen by a great doctor who ordered some tests and an ultrasound of my kidneys and liver as well as an obstetric ultrasound (at least I got to see my little Junebug out of the experience!). It should be noted that this was my 2nd trip to the E.R. ever! The first was for some minor stitches so this was a new experience for me, I felt like a human pin cushion with the I.V. and blood work; I should also mention I am deathly afraid of needles! (I better not see the epi needle beforehand!)Everything was well with the baby and we even got to see him/her sucking his/her thumb. The ultrasound tech, however, detected some stones in my left kidney. The dr. confirmed this and also said that some of the pain I was experiencing was the straining of my round ligament. I was instructed to rest and take Tynenol for the pain. Rest? right! But Jordan was such a great trooper all weekend and would demand me to rest and not to take things to my limit. After a relaxing Monday off work (doctor's orders) I feel much better. I spoke with Dr. Weaver yesterday and I have been referred to a urologist. So from there we shall see how things go . . .

The pain has subsided for the most part with a few pangs every now and then, however I know my limits much better at this point and don't want to feel that pain again until labor so I am following them! I promise the next post will be much more pleasant . . . only 17 more days until the next ultrasound!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I popped!

Okay, I have heard of this happening, but didn't really think it did, but . . . I woke up this morning with a belly!!!! It is crazy! Just a couple of days ago I was telling Jordan that when I wake up in the morning I don't even feel preggo and my stomach is flat as can be, by mid afternoon I feel bigger, but doesn't everyone after eating a steady diet of McDonalds?! Well, this morning I looked in the mirror to check out my flat tummy and it was no longer flat! Quite the opposite actually, it's a pregnant belly! My lovely boss, Julie, confirmed my suspicions . . . well I suppose I can no longer procrastinate on the pictures, now that there is actually something to capture! Also, I couldn't bear the thought of wearing anything with a defined waist today, so I opted for a long shirt and leggings, I'm not sure how long I can pull this look off at work however, so the Motherhood visit is probably this weekend!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

already early?

We had another successful doctor's appointment today with Dr. Weaver. Jordan was thankfully able to make it again! It was very short and sweet with one huge surprise that made us very excited . . . no we are not having multiples, but it looks like we might be seeing Baby Kohn a little earlier than expected . . . I am now 15 weeks and 2 days pregnant as opposed to the 13/14 weeks that we thought we were . . . the new estimated date of arrival is June 4th! This baby is already gravitating towards the Kohn side because everyone who knows me, knows I'm never early! We also got to hear the heartbeat again and it is still coming in strong at 160 bpm. Our next appointment is scheduled for January 4th and we will have a sonogram at that appointment to determine the sex! woo hoo!!! Jordan and I are still planning on putting the information in an envelope to open at a later date, but I think maybe we will let the grandma's peak at it before then so they can start shopping, haha! only jokin'

Other than that things are wonderful, the holiday season is coming quickly upon us and we are excited for everything it holds and can't help but thinking that next year it will be so different! My nausea has pretty much dissipated and I am feeling great. I have gained 3.4lbs since my last dr. appt. and so I am now at 3.7lbs, okay we'll round it up to 4lbs, overall. Still no maternity clothes, but for comfort sake, I might be making a trip to Motherhood before the New Year!

Well, toodles for now . . . promise we'll get some pictures up soon!

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Golden Trimester

Good afternoon all! I am feeling wonderful! I am really beginning to realize why the second trimester of pregnancy has been dubed "The Golden Trimester!" I am not nauseaous every waking minute, I have got most of my energy back and I am still fitting (somewhat) into my own pre-pregnancy clothes! I am even going to start working out again tonight and even considering pre-natal yoga . . . maybe a little granola for me, but we shall see.

Jordan and I had a wonderful weekend putting up the Christmas decorations and relaxing. The house looks so festive and welcoming, it was great just to sit and watch a movie last night after a tasty steak dinner compliments of Killarney's for their Christmas Party.

Well, not much news is good news, I am not quite as crabby as I have been, but I am still having some wicked cravings for spicy food (even moreso than before I was pregnant) and candy (especially fruity candy like Skittles or Mambos) and Wild Cherry Pepsi! I am very excited for my mom to arrive home from Ireland with goodies; I gave her a pretty lengthy list because once I said one thing I wanted from Ireland, a million different cookies, candies and eatible items flooded my mind! One thing I have heard is that if you are craving sweets you are expecting a girl . . . since I am craving spicy burn your mouth of foods along with sweets this may mean I will have a little firecracker of a little girl! Only time will tell . . . we have our next appointment a week from tomorrow and the doctor appointment following that will accompany an ultrasound when we will hopefully discover the gender . . . however, Jordan and I have discussed havinge ultrasound tech put the gender in an envelope for us to either open either on Valentine's Day or another day that would make it a little more special than find out in a doctor's office! We shall see, since neither of us are really very good at holding out on surprises . . .

Monday, November 19, 2007

Bumpity bump

(10 weeks, 2 days!)

Well folks, here it is . . . a belly picture and I am definitely not "showing" but I am definitely rounder and more full in the middle than I was was; there is more than a little somethin' there! Jordan is loving it and keeps saying how it is forming into a perfect "pregnant" belly!

Grandma and Grandpa Kohn were very generous to purchase our nursery furniture for us and the crib has already arrived. I can hardly wait to start decorating a nursery, but I am going to have to wait until at least January to start making more purchases as that is when the gender can be determined. It is very very difficult for this shopper at heart to restrain herself from making purchases at this point; it has taken every ounce of my will to not make frivolous purchases, but so far I have been great (it also helps when you don't have much time or energy to shop).

On the craving side it has been nothing but CANDY! I have made meals of candy, I know it isn't the greatest thing, but sometimes I just can't help it . . . I even bribed Jessi into bringing me over some Mamba's on Saturday night!! So, if you're visiting or I'm visiting you make sure you have something sweet on hand!

Also, one more thing . . . although we're not sure on the gender, we've been playing around with names already (this is what parents-to-be do, from day one!) if you think of any interesting names, or family names please let us know.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Processing Nicely!

Good morning! Nine and half weeks and "processing nicely" as Jordan would say!

Yesterday, November 13, we had our second doctor's appointment. Unfortunately Dr. Weaver was ill and so we had a lovely nurse help us out (with new babies and preggo mommies we are glad Dr. Weaver stayed home!). Jordan made it home from work on time to go to the appointment and we were very pleased as we got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Our first scheduled appointment was too early to hear anything, although we did get to see him or her! It was strong and rapid beat and the nurse said it was between 160 and 170 beats per minute! Very healthy and great news for a very nervous mommy. We might have a little soccer player on our hands, by the way, as before the nurse could detect the heartbeat she was certain she heard him or her kicking around.

As far as how I am feeling I am happy to say that my all day nausea has subsided and I only feel like running for the nearest trash can when I am hungry, so as long as I keep filling my face I feel fine! haha The nurse confirmed this yesterday as she said morning sickness is most likely to come on with an empty stomach . . . and I don't seem to have any problem not letting it get empty. I am not sure if this is because I enjoy eating or I really don't want to feel sick; either way due to my new eating habits I had fully expected to gain more than the 3 ounces that I have since my last appointment. The nurse assured Jordan that this was fine and that some women gain weight in the beginning while others (me!) gain it a little later, but it all works out in the end. I am just pleased at the possiblity of wearing regular clothes for awhile. While shopping with Grandma Kohn this weekend I tried on a cute shirt and she made me push out a belly before putting her seal of approval on the purchase, it was fun!

Grandma Kohn was a lifesaver also, as she helped me out by finishing up the tree I had to design for the Baby Fold's annual fundraiser, the Festival of Trees, so I could run with Jordan to our appointment! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. I can only imagine how amazing of a grandma she will be and our child will be so lucky to have two wonderful, caring grandmas! There are so many people anticipating his or her entrance into this world. Big cousin McKaylah constantly wanders around with an ultrasound picture and has even been known to fall asleep with her tiny little fist wrapped out the picture. I am not sure that she knows what it in the picture for sure, but she has been told and seems excited that there is a baby in Auntie Ciarra's tummy.

We were hoping to have a "belly picture" up by now, but unfortunately our camera has decided to go on the fritz. We will hopefully have the situation alleviated shortly and post my growing belly (I swear although I haven't gained weight, it has definitely shifted!).

Our next doctor's appointment is scheduled for December 11th.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Jordan and I are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming a new addition to our family in June!!!!! With a due date of June 15th, we are going to have a little living legacy of our wedding night and we couldn't be happier! I am currently ending my 7th week of pregnancy and although I have been told I am no bigger and thankfully am still fitting into a 6, I feel bloated and yucky much of the time! We had our first doctor's appointment on October 19th that confirmed what we were already very sure of and we actually had our first ultrasound. Although the baby was too young to hear a heartbeat, we already have the first candid shots of what might just be the most photographed baby on Earth (move over Brad and Angelina's clan!) Although my superstitious side would prefer that we not be announcing our good news for another couple of weeks, our little bundle has the most proud daddy in the world and he could not wait to start spreading the news . . . our first announcment was to Grandma and Grandpa Kohn who displayed their excitement so loudly, Abbey started howling! I'm pretty sure she was very excited too! Grandma Brown was shown our ultrasound picture and took a minute to figure out the good news (Aunt Kelly's psychic side already had suspicions as she had called me the day we found out and announced to Jordan and I that we were pregnant!). Everyone is very anxious for May and June as the family will grow quite a bit, with the first grandchildren for the Kohn's due meer weeks from each other . . . they will be so close. Jordan and I are very lucky to have cousins so close in age that we are great friends with and we are delighted that our child will experience the same!

I have learned a lot in the weeks we have discovered we are pregnant. Morning sickness to me feels more like a day long hangover with extreme nausea lasting all day and constipation (sorry, tmi); however, I don't mind feeling so badly knowing why I feel so yucky. Jordan has been fantastic! He runs to Walgreens to get me whatever I need (that I can take) to feel better and has established a nightly ritual of presenting me in bed with my prenatal vitamin and a glass of water. He has been helping out around the house without complaint and is basically the perfect husband (a little overprotective a times by not letting me have too many diet cokes, but he is looking out for me!). I am very lucky!

Well, we will definitely keep everyone posted in the months to come . . . belly pictures, etc.