Wednesday, June 5, 2013

St. Louis Day 1

We planned a little trip out of town to St. Louis for this past weekend.  At the time we planned it, we thought we would be ready to get out of dodge for a weekend; unfortunately, our calendars quickly filled up before then and this weekend was the 4th being out of town - this is craziness for us homebodies! 

We left early Satruday morning and hit the road.  Grandma and Papa Kohn came with us! First on the trip was to hit up the Anheuser-Busch Brewery.  The boys enjoyed the horses and Eoin really paid attention.  Grandpa, Daddy and Mommy enjoyed the samples at the end! 

Next up was Grant's Farm!  We had never been here before and it was fun!  We were able to catch an elephant show and of course have some more beer samples...seriously, St. Louis keeps your glass full :)  Eoin and I also rode a camel!  Our camel's name was Sinbad.  It was terrifying to me!  Liam was able to fall asleep for a quick nap while Eoin fed some goats. 

After Grant's Farm we headed back to the hotel.  That was an adventure in an of itself :)  We walked around downtown St. Louis; showed Eoin where the Cardinals much as we were pushing for a Cubs fan, we may have lost this battle, but truly he is a sports fan!  He was mad he couldn't go inside, but we did catch the National Anthem!  We found somewhere to eat on the Landing and then walked back to the hotel again. 

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