Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy April Fools Day!

Sorry to everyone I startled with the previous FALSE announcement! I couldn't help but play around a little with the "holiday!" Unfortunately my mom said I almost put her in the hospital and there were several phone calls to work while I was in a meeting. Jordan even made me add the little disclaimer at the end after he said he did not have time to be answering phone calls at work! Oh well, it was all in good fun.

I can officially say there is only one baby Kohn in there right now! We had an ultrasound today at 2:30pm and Eoin is officially out of the woods and his tummy is measuring fine! He has flipped around is face down also, no longer breech; so he is preparing for his entrance. Our appointment with Dr. Weaver was an "in and out;" we remain boring and are still fine with that. I am excited to head up north this weekend for my first baby shower. Eoin is already very loved. Also, the crib bumper was on back order from Pottery Barn Kids, but has shipped and should be arriving tomorrow. One more item closer to a completed nursery. We also received our stroller last week and I feel like a little girl with a new toy; I love pushing it around and even Jordan was impressed with my selection. Our next appointment is set for tax day, April 15th!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Wow that was awesome I just have to say. I would have literally freaked out my entire family if I made an announcement like that. LOL. Nice April Fools joke.

Okay so I haven't wanted to ask, but now I must. How do you pronounce your baby's name? I want to say E at the front, but then it could be O like Owen.