Friday, October 17, 2008

4-month check up

Yep, you just read correctly, Eoin turned 4 months old last week and just this morning had another milestone appointment with Dr. Weaver. His numbers are in and they're lookin' good . .
Weight: 16lbs 15oz (1oz. short of doubling his birth weight!)
Height: 251/2 inches (grown 71/2 inches since birth)
He was such a good boy with his shots, I wish I could take them as well as he does. He received an oral innoculation as well as four shots . . . he literally laughed after the first shot! I am serious! Jordan and I couldn't believe it! What 4 month old giggles wildly after being pierced with a needle? Do we need to be aware of future masochism? Hopefully not, and the great big wail after the second shot confirmed that! Poor little guy :( But anyway, he is very healthy and we have the "ok" to start introducing solids . . . so maybe tonight we will start rice cereal!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I'm glad your appointment went well! He is the exact same size as Preston, minus 1 oz! We have big boys :)

Let me know how solids go. I don't think I am going to do solids until he is 6 months old unless he seems to not be getting enough right now with breastfeeding. I noticed Kate has been starting her little one with rice cereal too and I have been curious how its been going.

Oh and yes of course you can put alink to my blog on yours! :)