Wednesday, December 14, 2011

LJLC Christmas Program 2011

Last night Little Jewels hosted a Christmas Program at Calvary United Methodist.  Have gone through this twice before with Eoin, we sort of new what to expect . . .chaos.  Lots of kids and parents (over 500!), lots of picture taking and filming of the children.  It was very fun, though.  Aunt Cindy, Uncle Bernie, Aunt Tina, Gina, Grandma Kohn, Grandpa Kohn and mommy and daddy made up Liam and Eoin's cheering sections.  Liam was front and center for some bell ringing, drumstick banging (and chewing) to Winter Wonderland.  Eoin also took centerstage for renditions of Up on a Housetop and Must Be Santa!

We headed to Aunt Tina's afterward for a yummy dinner of pizza and of course Eoin continued to entertain us!

Emily & Eoin . . . word has it, they are an item ;)

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