Monday, May 19, 2008

Neglecting everything!

I have been neglecting everything. I am finally catching everyone up on my life and pregnancy during the last couple of weeks and I am going to try not to get so far behind again . . . shorter blogs are probably much easier to read anyway, huh?! Well, here goes . . .

Beginning right after I clicked on "publish post" on my last blog began a very exciting Saturday. Jordan was cleaning with his dad and so I was taking my time getting out of bed to begin my day . . . just laying in bed, playing on the computer, etc. Aspen was let outside awhile before and since it was a nice morning I left her outside to play. I heard a scurrying across the deck and figured that Aspen was chasing another squirrel until I heard barking. Aspen rarely barks! It was so vicious I hopped (as well as I possibly can "hop") out of bed and went to our kitchen door to find out what all the commotion was about. Aspen was nowhere to be seen, but I could hear barking loudly. I stepped outside and called for Aspen, she wouldn't come, but I figured out that the barking (and some other sort of noise) was coming from underneath our deck! I tried calling Jordan immediately and frequently and there was no answer (3 weeks from delivering his child and I can't get a hold of him! that's another story!). I called Jordan's mom to get another perspective of what was going . . . I ended up calling her several times due the fact that I saw blood after awhile of this obvious fight ensuing and then again after realizing that the blood that I saw actually belonged to Aspen! The fight continued until Jordan's mom and Jessi arrived . . . at this point I was up on top of our shed trying to lure Aspen away from whatever she was attacking, or whatever was attacking her . . . I couldn't tell at this point! Aspen ran to Lisa and Jessi when they arrived and I was able to get her inside . . . as it turns out she had cornered a ground hog! Animal control came to set a humane trap to catch it (it outsmarted animal control) and we took Aspen to the vet to be sure that she was okay. She received an antibiotic shot and updated her annual vaccines. All is well that ends well, but Aspen, the loving, friendly lab can be a vicious fighter if something is invading her yard . . she is so protective. On a side note, animal control, the vet and stopping the brutal attack was all handled by the women, we told the men all about it later . . . yep, could've been in labor . . .

To calm our nerves, well, mine especially, Lisa and I practiced a little retail therapy on Saturday afternoon. For Eoin's "coming home" outfit, we plan on using the same outfit that Jordan came home in; however, for those of you who do not know, Jordan was 2 months premature and so, as you can only imagine, he was a tiny little baby boy, so we are not sure if Eoin will be too big for Jordan's outfit or not. To be completely prepared Grandma Kohn purchased another adorable little outfit complete with a blanket for Eoin to come in only if plan 1 fails due to size. It is so cute and will make Eoin look very handsome whether he wears it home or a little later. I also got a gift from Grandma Kohn for my very first Mother's Day . . . a beautiful dress to wear for Eoin' Baptism . . . it is also my motivation to get back in shape by that point. I also want to wish a belated Mother's Day to all those mamas! I hope everyone had a beautifully peaceful day.

My little sister celebrated her 23rd birthday on May 12th! Happy Birthday, Kelly! Another birthday was also celebrated last week . . . Aidan Jo Segal finally arrived! She was born at 9:03pm on May 14th weighing 8lbs 11.5 oz. and measuring 20 1/2 inches. She is adorable with a full head of hair and a single dimple . . . check out Ashley's blog for pictures. I do have to mention that I haven't spoken to Ashley yet (I missed her call this weekend and will have to return it tonight!) but she looks fantastic! I cannot wait to see lil' Aidan in person. Seeing how cute she is makes me long for Eoin's arrival even moreso!

I had a doctor's appointment Friday morning and everything is still going well; his heartbeat is fine and I'm measuring right on track; however I have begun to dialate (2 pencil tips, so not much!) and Eoin has dropped significantly. I planned on walking this weekend to hopefully dialate more, but my energy was spent around the house. I did get to watch Lily on Saturday morning while Katie was at pilates and afterwards we had a short trip to the Farmer's Market, so I got a little walking in . . . Jordan and I (mostly Jordan of course) assembled the pack 'n play and the swing and moved our bedroom around slightly to accomodate the bassinet so Eoin can camp in with us for a while . . . we were able to create another little feeding area in our room, so I have a comfy chair in both his room and ours, although I'm sure many of those night time feedings will consist of me simply lifting him from the bassinet and feeding him right in my bed! Jordan did some yard work this weekend and I was able to be all my flower pots planted. Jordan and I spent sometime looking back at old pictures of the yard too and although we have a long ways to go, we have come a long way too!

Well, after planting flowers and basically just trying to get a lot accomplished, my back stiffens up very easily . . . I have to hobble to bathroom after I have been lying down for a while and I am a mess after being in the car for too long; it is rather humorous I'm sure to watch me trying to walk after these periods of time. Pregnancy heartburn is going to be the last thing I miss . . . for some reason it has hit so hard! I have to take the limit on Rolaids every day and drink Malox and drink milk and stay away from foods that might trigger it more than others! This is very difficult when even water is becoming difficult for me to take down! I'm obviously beginning to just get over this entire pregnancy, but if last night is any indication, I may not have too much longer to go . . .

I woke up many times last night with painful contractions. They felt like strong period cramps and each time I had one I would feel my stomach and it was ROCK hard. I would fall asleep in between them and therefore felt there was no sort of regularity in their frequency. I tried not to wake up Jordan, however, I wasn't very comfortable so my tossing, turning and groaning may have kept him awake for awhile! I'm thinking that Eoin might be coming soon . . . well, regardless of if he decides to come early or not his due date is only 16 days away and that really isn't that long!

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