Monday, January 10, 2011

26 weeks!

I'm 26 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby K is the length of an English cucumber
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 19 lbs (WOW! We are going to have to slow this down a little! or a lot!)
Maternity Clothes: A mixture, but mostly maternity; it just looks better! Definitely sweats a home though.
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: TONS; especially at night. Jordan says we are in trouble and that this baby will be a night owl.
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well with some weird dreams.
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: Hmmm, still ice cream.
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, a few Braxton Hicks and of course more heartburn.
Best Moment this week: You can now see the baby move! My belly moves, his kicks are strong! Eoin loves on his baby brother a lot and it melts my heart.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and was shocked with my weigh gain! The doctor said that everything was fine and just to keep on doing what I'm doing?! This surprised me . . . I still have 13 weeks to go, how big am I going to get?? Besides that though, I now start appointments every 2 weeks. When did I get this pregnant? This is going entirely too quickly. Jordan and I actually discussed some names last night and started listing what we need to do to get ready for the baby. Nothing was decided and we didn't actually accomplish anything, but geez, we really need to get moving . . . this baby is going to be here before we know it!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I can't believe you are already 26 weeks.....though, to YOU, you feel like it's already been an eternity. Haha. Mmmm..I totally craved ice cream as well.