Monday, January 24, 2011

28 Weeks!

I'm 28 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby K is the size of a melon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 23 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity pants and some dresses; all my shirts are regular (and tight, haha)
Gender: It's a boy
Movement: He moves quite a bit and sometimes on command.
Sleep: Sleep is getting rough; I am itchy and uncomfortable and if Eoin wakes up and comes in beside me, he is kicking me from outside my belly and baby kicks me from inside!
What I miss: Nothing really, maybe bending over without any difficulty
Cravings: Pancakes and sweets
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, or laziness! A little heartburn
Best Moment this week: This week Eoin came down with strep throat, as of last night, he was still burning a very high fever after being on the antibiotic since Thursday! Jordan is now sick too, it is difficult to see any bright side to this week :( I took the 28 week glucose test this morning and found out even after working out a little bit more and watching what I ate, I still managed to gain 4lbs in the last two weeks! I am at a loss! I will continue to workout b/c it makes me feel better about myself, but geez louise! 11 weeks left, so if I continue to gain at that rate, I will have gained 45 with this pregnancy . . . we shall see if that prophecy fulfills itself and if it does, well, at least it is less than I gained with Eoin (is that a brightside?) I will get the results of my gd test tomorrow.

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