Monday, March 21, 2011

36 Weeks!

I'm 36 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby K is around 6 lbs - about the size of a crenshaw melon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 36 lbs (if I can keep it under 40 now, I'll be happy, although, I realize I am beginning to retain a lot of water and couldn't get my wedding band on today :()
Maternity Clothes: Maternity most of the time, sometimes Jordan's clothes and I even rocked a pair of jeggings this past weekend!
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: He is pretty active, especially right now :)
Sleep: Is basically a struggle every night; not to go to sleep, but staying asleep!
What I miss: Sleeping well (I am not naive enough to believe this will change when I am no longer pregnant), wearing regular clothes, not struggling to do medial tasks.
Cravings: I've lost my appetite lately, I am running out of space, however, I continue to gain lots of weight, so I'm not sure where the correlation is, unless there are fat and calories in ice?!
Symptoms: The itching has subsided somewhat this week, just in time for me to be congested, I am out of breathe a lot, have a watermelon strapped to my midsection!
Best Moment this week: This has been a week of getting stuff done and preparing for Little Man's arrival (finally). Lisa painted the nursery and we have it basically set up; Jordan and I rearranged the kitchen cabinets to be better prepared for bottles and baby food when it comes time. I started my hospital bag. We had the pleasure of joining our neighbors at the Sugarland concert at the Coliseum on Friday night and it was a great time; it felt great to get dressed for a night out. Today has been a trying today and it feels like nothing else could go wrong; we have repairs to make to Jordan's car, the dog got into some chocolate protein powder leaving a huge stain on our living room carpet and getting Eoin out the door today was struggle. I am going to vow to look at things more positively today. Hopefully positive thinking will change the day :) I had a doctor's appointment where they performed the strep b test; I also set the date for my c-section!

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