Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Building a Bird Feeder 101:

1. Go to Lowe's for some oil with Papa and come home with new tools, a tool box and the materials for a bird feeder. Apparently even a trip to Lowe's is now an opportunity to spoil this little man!

2. Lay everything out with Papa Dean and Daddy and get ready to get started! Was this 'toy' really for Eoin? Papa Dean and Daddy really seem to be enjoying themselves!

3. Use your new tools to build!

4. Make sure to measure twice, cut once! It is never too early to learn this incredibly important lesson!

5. Build the bird feeder! Admire work!

6. Beam with pride and exclaim "I made that!"

7. Beam with pride and show Grandma, who turn beams with pride and helps write name and date on first wood working project!

8. Help Grandma find the perfect spot for the bird feeder in a tree and fill with treats for the birds!

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