Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Boys will be boys

I really wonder how often I am going to utter the phrase that is the title of this post over the years. I just laugh thinking that in a couple shorts months I will have been blessed with two little boys. I consider myself pretty girly, so I am probably in for a world of trouble.

We had a incident this past weekend that can only be filed under 'boys will be boys.' Eoin shaved off his eyebrow. You read that correctly!

Let me start at the beginning, Eoin LOVES showers now and they really have done wonders for his eczema as he is no longer completely immersed in water. He showers with me, he showers with Jordan and then usually stays in and plays by himself/relaxes for awhile!

Well, on Saturday morning, he was in the shower for awhile by himself. I am not sure exactly when it happened, but it speculation that he used my razor (that I know I should've put up much higher) to shave off one of his eyebrows! Why do they make womens' razor so brightly colored and enticing for children?

The best part, we didn't figure out until lunch, when Jordan looked across the table and asked, does Eoin only have one eyebrow? and sure enough, he did! We asked him why he shaved off his eyebrow and he responded 'I shaved my beard.'

I hope it comes in alright!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Hahahaha, okay this one made me laugh pretty hard. Having just written a "Boys will be boys" post myself last week, I had to just laugh. Preston has never done anything like that but if he had the opportunity, I'm sure he would. Do you find that he is going through a phase of exploration lately? maybe it's the age or something...but Preston is into EVERYTHING. We found that he had drawn red crayon all over his bedsheets last night. My first question was, where did he find a red crayon? I thought I had put them all away hidden. Guess not...and I guess he can find anything!