Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm back

Alright, longest appointment to date! We began with an ultrasound to get some measurements of my little prince . . . he is right at about 7lbs 11oz. (this can be off by up to a pound however!) and is completely average! Everything looked great and of course we received some more pictures. He has be photographed numerous times through this gestational period! After that we met with Dr. Weaver . . . guess what? No Progress! Apparently I have a very small cervix (this could actually be preventing me from dialating any further) and it is not opening to let this baby out! We are going to give it another week, however. If I have not delivered Eoin by Monday, I will go into the hospital to be induced on Tuesday at approximately 12:05am . . . Dr. Weaver was sure to mention that if I were to end up with a c-section that it would not be due to the induction. I really needed to hear those words because if I end up with a c-section (I need everyone's fingers crossed and all of your prayers for this not to happen) I would forever wonder if it was due to being induced. So, it feels good to at least know that there is an end to my pregnancy in sight. I also had a non-stress test to determine that the baby was snug as a rug. . . well, no surprise there, he is in perfect shape; heartbeat up when it should and down when it should also! Well, I'm still going to walking and trying to get this baby out before next week, but if not, we are expecting his arrival of June 10th!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

So June 10th if not beforehand, eh? That must feel good to know that there will actually be an end to this pregnancy though. Right now I am feeling like its never going to end. And as of yet, my doctor has not set up an induction date. But she said she would not let me go 10 days over, so at the very very latest my baby's birthday would be June 18th. I'm kind of getting depressed though - just wish he would come on his own...and soon.