Monday, November 1, 2010

16 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 16 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby K is the size of an avacado (Guacamole, yum!) ha!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 6lbs, and hoping to stay at this for a little while.
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing my normal clothes but they are certainly tighter. I had some pants in my closet that happened to be a little bigger so I am excited to wear those for a while now!
Gender: Can't wait to find out! 2 weeks from today!
Movement: I have definitely felt movement; I had book club on Thursday night and the baby was definitely moving . . . still excited for Jordan and Eoin to be able to feel it, though!
Sleep: I've started waking up; I want to make sure I am lying on my side, so that and then there are the bathroom breaks!
What I miss: Hmmm, I have kind of been indulging, but honestly, not thinking about some things that I have to put in my mouth/or don't put in my mouth. I had a boxed lunch for a meeting on Friday and I didn't like having to excuse myself to heat up the lunch meat and besides that, heated up lunch meat? not so good.
Cravings: still lovin' everything carb!
Symptoms: I'm actually feeling really great! I ran another 5k yesterday . . . I'm so glad to be 4 months preggers and still able to finish 3 miles in about 32 minutes :)
Best Moment this week: It was Halloween! Eoin lights up every week as I am sure the new baby will too . . . next Halloween I will get to come up with a theme, exciting! haha Also, I had a little doctor appt. this morning (uti, blah) and got to hear the little heart beat! It is in the 150's :)

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